Need Extra Cash By Saturday...

just wait till the casinos come to the burgh,

HELP !!! I cant pay my rent this month:rolleyes:

and isn’t she the cutest?

sure if you like cabage patch kids

She sure is… :blue:


better than garbage pail kids…

I watched the garbage pale movie the other day :gome:


i never knew there was one…

Good luck with that one…

you can be a door salesman…you know door to door…

<haha, that was in a commercial a while back, had me cracking up>


I’ve seen it as well a couple of times. They also showed it at the Oaks last year but I missed it.

I’ll loan you mine :rofl:


Just cause I always have cash doesn’t mean I’m a money momma!

steal someones weed and then sell it.

lots of ppl are trying to find ppl to pick up sticks or branches and put them into brun piles. my dads boss wanted me to do it before i got sick and it was gona be a $10hr job cause he had a bunch of them but like i said i got sick and passed don’t know if he got someone to do it or not but it looked like good money.