Need Help Finding "Muffler"

exotic sounding? thats what your aiming for? You have a american V8./…why the fuck do you want it to sound exotic?

sell it and get a supra then for gods sake!

Great post man… I lol’d :rofl

plus rep.

i think rich was using the word “exotic” to describe the sound that a b&b bullet makes, meaning “different”…not like a supra lol

:rofl i have one in my garage collecting dust if you want it

lol calm down their drew, i meant tone their kiddo, true duals with b&b bullets and MS4 cam=SupRa? naaa NOPE. ever heard a c5 with b&b? enough said…annnd even if i were to sell this one, ill still have my ws.6:excited

richie , open summit mag and order dynomax bullets ,or magnaflow bullets both sound great and are relativly small

lol i want bb tho, i already ran the dynomax bullet, idk well see. y not some 3" cherrybombs!

cause they sound like ass , sounds like someone fatin on a snaredrum


what is it with you two big fucks and the excessive lol’s :lol


lolololololollololololololololololl :thumbup