need help identifying my turbo

i have a sr20 redtop my turbo says A/R 40 M25 1-2 Garrett could someone let me know what this is please? The prick who sold me the car said it was a gtr turbo but ive found like 6 things already that he lied about

maybe he lied that it was an sr29? lol

as far as i know that would be a ca18det t25 turbo. lower a/r than a stock sr20det turbo…

go kick his ass.

could be a gtr turbo, i remember they had small a/r 's
if you take pics it would help

who sold you the car?

Yeah, the CA18DET has a .48 A/R M25 housing, so it’s not one of those. Far as I know, the RB26DETT and VG30DETT had smaller T22 turbos, but I’m not sure of the A/R.

I bought the car from babyboi_sx and he lied about alot of stuff , if i were you guys i wudn’t buy anything from him.

I believe him and his friends were banned for that very reason. Ripping people off.

Sorry to hear that man. But don’t worry, I don’t think anyone will be buying stuff from him anymore.

Yeh well im getting more and more pissed off everytime i find shit that he lied about and if i find one more thing he will be hearing from me!! :x i have some pics of the turbo but i have no idea how to post pics on the forums. :oops:

Yup my friend bought a “rustless” hatch from him. The thing looked rustless until we got it on a lift. Both frame rails were eatin to shit and half the screws are missing on key parts of the interior. Hes a bastard who sells POS’s claiming otherwise

someone is going to frig him up if i dont do it first

Send me the pictures and I’ll post them up.

Send me the pictures and I’ll post them up.[/quote]

hey man im sorry im taking so long but everytime im finished work its either raining or or too dark ill have them soon. can i just take pics of the turbo without taking anything of or do u guys need to see something inside?

Take pictures of the outside of the turbo, and in a couple pictures put something like a baseball or something most people know as an object to reference the size of the turbo by…