Need help in parking lot job!

Thanks to everyone who offered to help in any way, I really appreciate it. It’s nice to know there are a bunch of people out here willing to lend a hand/tools/time to help someone out.

I am having a hard time getting around anywhere at all without a car, so I don’t think I will even be able to get to a press. I ordered the control arm with the balljoint already in for easier install, and no worry about pressing it in. I should have it after class tomorrow by 3 pm.

What time do you come home/should I let you know by? Before 9pm? Also how much do you want to do it? I was thinking I MAY try to do it myself first in the afternoon, but if I can’t, ask you to come.

The fucking apartment complex left a parking violation warning and tow warning on the car this afternoon that it would get towed away at 9am Wednesday…:wtf:!

They said 1. not registered to resident. 2. in a no parking zone. 3. vehicle not in acceptable condition: on a jack.

WTF? It’s my mom’s car, can I not fucking bring my family’s car to my own damn apartment? It’s in a fucking parking space between the lines parked like every other car in the fucking lot! And it wasn’t even on a jack, the jack was just under the car touching it!

I put away the jack, put back on the wheel, called and bitched out maintenence (2am), and put a note on the car. If they fucking tow it I will go crazy! :banghead:

dude respond to you pm’s

if you can get the parts that would be a ez job, that suspension is identical to my accord you shouldnt need a press just a lil hammer would do.

It’s fixed! Nitroinsane made it here by at about 8:30 in the morning today and did it, took about an hour. It was a pain to tighten the bolts for the control arm, there is no space. I’m glad because I definitely didn’t have the right tools (took a torch to take off the old balljoint, and ratcheting wrench, those things are awesome, I didn’t know they existed lol) to have been able to do it. I made it to my 10am class, haven’t been to a morning class in awhile! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Def some cool ass peeps around here…to nyspeed :tup:, to everyone who offered any help :tup:, and to Joe :tup::tup:! Pleasure meeting you man, thanks! :slight_smile:

Joe’s a kickass dude. :tup: