need help QUICK please!

Just jerked off… Twice.

Nice feet John. Would smash!

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know the first thing about structural integrity. But my point is if he bought the being promised a “mint set of wheels” and they showed up at my door all janky and banged up like that I’d flat out tell the seller “fuck you this is not nearly in the condition you said it was give me my money back and take them back.”

run em

Here’s the deal. I wouldn’t run that wheel. Why? Bc the aluminum has been stretched in that area. It also looks like it has gauled up in spots. Metal has slightly been displaced to other areas of that dig. Obviously it seems minute, but none the less that wheels structural integrity has been slightly comprimised. Not to mention the heat that was created and sent throigh the area of contact. Like Eman said, it could crack… Dont be an idot and take a chance. You got the loot. Replace the barrell.

nope run it

maybe slather some jb weld in there for good measure

X2 on the jb weld. I’m missing a lug nut and just gooped some of that on, no problems.

I only run 2 lugs, makes brake jobs easier.