Need help unlocking iphone 4 on the latest baseband

I need help with unlocking and jailbreaking an iphone 4 that I have.

It is on OS 4.3 which doesnt seem like an issue, but the baseband in 4.10.01 which seems to be the issue. Anyone have experience with unlocking these recently?

Willing to pay.

here you go step by step

this is the older OS

go on youtube get his latest jailbreak …thats how i got mine

youtube always was the best bet for me, i don’t have a 4 so no help there :frowning:

You can easily unlock your iphone4 through online .Nowadays there are many ways available to unlock iPhone 4.But i would suggest Remote unlocking method.It’s the best and secure way to unlock iPhone 4.If you are interested in this method visit Here you can unlock your iPhone without jail breaking.
