ipad jailbreak question

am i missing something or is there not a unteathered jailbreak for ipad 4.0-4.2 yet. i really wanna update my ipad but cant yet. and im using a windows computer

Yes, I am waiting to upgrade to the newest OS but afraid I will lose everything when I back everything up to iTunes since mine is jailbroken. The newer OS is nice.

am i right though, there is still only a teathered jailbreak right?

Yes,that is correct.I had this and it crashed after downloading an app and it wouldnt boot back up,ended up having to restore . Jailbreaking is a waste of time IMO and as of late is very problematic,most of the apps are just novelties and the most useful ones are the ones that are free in the first place.

I have an untethered jailbreak of 4.2.1 (ipad)

LMK if you want it.

You can jailbreak 4.0, 4.0.1 untethered if you have those OS’s on your device, or have the SHSH’s saved and can downgrade to them.

There is a untethered jailbreak for 4.2.1 if you have SHSH’s on file for iOS 4.2b3… If you do not know what a SHSH is, I wouldn’t bother jailbreaking. It increases the chances you will have a issue with your device quite substantially, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. There is next to nothing to gain on a WiFi only device. However, if its a 3G iPad, jailbreaking will allow you to remove the 3G restrictions such as 20MB downloads, low quality videos, and share your 3G connection with other devices…

yea i have the 3g one, i use the jailbroken software for all sorts of stuff. i know how to SHSH and i read alot of people are having problems with the 4.2B. so im still on the last 3.? whatever to keep the ipad jailbroken… guess ill just keep awiting

No issues here with mine untethered, so if you want to give it a try just let me know and I can send you the proper ipsw.

yea ill deff try it out, either pm me or email at llink58@yahoo.com Thx

Its absolutely worth jailbreaking if its a 3G device. However, you need SHSH’s on file for 4.2b3. If you didn’t already save this, you can NOT get it by any means.

I would recommend actively storing your SHSHs locally as well as with Cydia using Firmware Umbrella…

If you don’t have the SHSH for 4.2b3 on file, just wait for 4.3 to be released and hope you don’t need a old SHSH for untethered boot. The updates from 3.2 to 4.x are huge… 4.3 has some nice features you are going to want.

yes i have the SHSH for 3.2.2 4.2.1 and 4.2b3