iOS 6 jail break


About time!

Going to have to update the wife’s phone soon.

Pretty sure when the 4.8" iphone comes out next year I’ll be coming back to the iOS world. The S3 is nice but Android just lacks the polish and rock solid reliability of iOS.

ok so not being a phone geek like i used to be…

what are the pros and cons of jailbreaking my 4s?

I still cannot download a single cydia app! ugh

Few of the guys at work did an initial breakdown of the jail break

lol iFags

Yea in waiting to see what they come out with if google drops a nexus 4 with LTE I might give that a run

I had to many bad experiences with android phones to use it as a primary phone one the road

Yep, lots of little things that need reboots to work.

The fact that I have the currently best selling android phone (S3) and the latest OS I can get officially is 4.1.1 is fucking ridiculous too.

nice, i’ve been waiting to get my apple tv updated

Unless an LTE Nexus drops, which I’m thinking won’t happen, I’ll probably be switching to an iphone. I can’t stand this update situation. My VZW Galaxy Nexus isn’t on the latest release either. ARRRGGGGG WTF VERIZON/GOOGLE

So youll jail break your wifes phone but wont root your own?

Yep, because a jailbroken iphone is just as reliable as an unjailbroken iphone, especially if you don’t mess around with winterboard themes. And with DFU mode it’s impossible to brick an iPhone while jailbreaking. A rooted android running a custom rom is a fucking mess of bullshit that doesn’t work right.

Ill listen to the argument that “it shouldnt have to be that way” but if you read some basic reviews of reliable roms, you can always have luck. I wont shit up an apple thread with my android ramblings, but there are plenty of more than stable roms.

Work will be dropping their kernel portion of the review on the jailbreak in the next few days.

Drupal Error

“PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1135] Can’t create a new thread (errno 11); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /var/www/vhosts/”


lol blog site is getting hammered

+1 for not being afraid of using Drupal though.

We have some of the smartest kids in the room but marketing/web site department doesn’t have anything to do with the rest of the company lol

yaya thanks to this thread i can tether my iphone5 to my ipad again yayayaya :slight_smile: thanks so nice to have a jailbroke iphone again

lol, welcome to corporate america