need help with an 02 honda

We have an 02 honda civic that was wrecked.

Not sure, but we think in the process something might have hit the air bag sensor bc now the light is on.

We have a new scanning unit (Solus) that known of us are used to yet…

It is telling us to hook the honda adapter (HON-1) into the MES it has a yellow plug and 2 prongs inwhich we found…

But out honda adapter has 3…and no other plug under the dash has 3 that is for the air bags

Any suggetions before we take it to a dealer?

you should have an adapter for the obd2 port and you will be able to read all srs codes from there, if you have the right software for Honda

i have an obdII cable that has your normal plug, and a hon-1 adapter that has a plug that looks like a sensor would plug into it. THe adapter plugs into the cord on the diag. box and it read that it should be plugged into the yellow plug in the fuse box with 2 prongs…Im assuming is the air bag plug…but the hon-1 adapter has 3 prongs. So Im completely confused…

did any bags at all blow? or did the seatbelts lock? dont forget that the female part of the front seatbelts has an air bag actuator on them too if you cahnged out belts, dont forget about them.

let me break down the air bag system for you–

sensors “a” and “k” are connected to the driver’s and passenger bag, along w/ the driver’s steering wheel clock spring.

“f” is the side impact sensor. it is linked per seat and tied into the srs system. only one side will go off, unless your hit from 2 sides at once.

now, your snap-on scanner should be able to read the srs codes. other than using a pgm or hds, i cant think of a way to read them aside from a quality tool truck obd reader.

i know you can clear the memory though w/o using a scanner. try to clear the memory and see if it comes back on.

to clear it, do this—

1)Make sure the ignition switch is OFF.

2)Connect the SCS service connector to the MES connector (2P) . They tell you not to jumper it, but i have done so w/o problem.

3)Turn the ignition switch ON (II).

4)The SRS indicator will come on for about 6 seconds and then go off. Remove the SCS service connector from the MES connector (2P) within 4 seconds after the indicator goes off.

5)The SRS indicator will come on again. Reconnect the SCS service connector to the MES connector (2P) within 4 seconds after the indicator comes on.

6)When the SRS indicator goes off, remove the SCS service connector from the MES connector (2P) within 4 seconds .

7)The SRS indicator will blink two times indicating that the memory has been erased.

8)Turn the ignition switch OFF, and wait for 10 seconds

9)Turn the ignition switch ON (II) again. The SRS is OK if the SRS indicator comes on for 6 seconds and then goes off.

Im not sure if the bags blew…I dont think so. Like i said i think when the car was being put back together one of the sensors got messed with. As for the seat belts…im not sure about that either.

we scanned the car…this is where we got confused.
2)Connect the SCS service connector to the MES connector (2P) .

Where is that> is that the yellow plug? bc it didnt fit in our honda adapter. the adapter was 3 prong. Thats where we were stuck…

Does that make sense? lol

Sorry if im repeating myself…but im tryin to understand this as much as possible. Im used to the scanner we have at advance.

The one at my first job is new, its a Solus. big ass orange thing that seems to be more of a pain in the ass that anything. lol

Thank you for your help. and patience.:bowrofl:

Do your self and your company a favor and trash the scanner you have and get a real one first sonya, then scan it. I have a tech two if it would help you out at all or call sailor, he knows whats up

these 2 diagrams will clearify wtf im saying… the mes is left of the column.

here are the schematics for the air bag system, as you will see in thje second diagram, the mes has 2 wires— green with black chaser and solid black. the “2p” denotes 2 pin connector.

thanks…Im begingin to think that as well.