Need Help with the new phone

I figured i’d start a new serious thread about this subject cuz I need some help. How do you download programs for free from sites like ppcwarez and get them onto my pda? Also is there any other software that you recommend I get. I’m not too concerned about games and such just things that can be productive at the moment. From what ive gathered so far playing around on those websites is that I haven’t found too many things that are free, is this true? I don’t mind paying for the things but just want to get the right things. As far as pda net, If I get that I can attain broadband without getting charged the extra $15 a month like I am now for the tether feature from verizon?

Also how do I get ringtones, im not fimiliar with how the pda is setup im used to the whole Get It Now thing with Verizon.

Thanks in advance.

xlogic would be a good guy to ask about this sort of stuff. not sure how much he can help. and i’m sure he’ll need to know what phone you have and the service.

1st of all, the Q is not a PDA. It’s a smartphone.

2nd of all, check out for ringers and all that.

3rd of all, get rid of that motorola garbage and get a real PDA, like a treo 700wx or a PPC-6800.


and bump for other answers

you can AIM me and I can answer all of your darkest secrets :slight_smile:

oh I can’t wait, when i get outta work ill try and get in touch with you thanks