Need Real Finance Advice?

If I am still living at my parents house by the time I turn 25 I will kill myself.

You’ll be able to suffocate yourself with all the money you saved.

Best investments to me right now and this is only my opinion are Gold, Guns, Safe’s thats for quick then look into investing into Pharmaceutical Companies



I agree… you need to diversify your investments, but I just have a better sense of security about the money I have invested in money markets.

Wow what happened to that flipping out pear, I almost had a seizure

I’m guessing for access reasons? In other words, money markets allow you access (albeit limited) to your funds where many other investments with low entry requirements dont.

The need for you to get your cash fast will decrease as you get older and get more money. Just dont be one of those 60 yr old people with all their money in a savings account or CDs. :thumbup

nah dude… I have a financial adviser so I dont worry about access or anything like that, the only money that gets taken out is money for school. I’m a firm believer of varying your investments, yah know, having some bonds, cd’s, stocks, money markets, ect.

how does everyone get these financial advisors? can anyone recommend a good one? i dunno wtf i’m doing, i just go with my gut.

FML - Wayne on TracEys name.

You need a stockpile of cash to get in with anyone. Fortunately, that’s also the best thing a young person can be doing. A recommendation is easy to find (I can give plenty) but who you work best with and who understands your goals is most important.

Wayne why are you on Traceys name?

You don’t need a financial advisor if you just pay attention in school. :lol

Disagree. There’s no way you can manage your funds the way the guys that do it 18 hrs a day can.

QFT. define stockpile though.

How are u guys coming up w 20% down on houses? I work two jobs and I’m still strugglin to save massive amounts of money lol

i didn’t, I went 0 down. if you don’t want to put $$ down, make sure you are buying a house for less than what its worth, or that it needs a shit ton of work. that way once you do those things you will have your equity.

Jclark - is my theory sound?

I bought my house when I was 20 (just turned 20 a few months prior to purchase). I’m 25 now. I also got married when I was 20 :wow

I’d be happy to recommend you to mine, my entire family uses him and he manages alot of our money.

I only needed 3% when I bought my house.

There is a penalty to not having 20% equity though. It forces you to pay PMI, which is some type of insurance the mortgage company charges you. Once you have 20% equity you can have that removed.

However, if you can put 3% down, then take that remaining 17% and invest it into something that pays higher than the PMI charge, it might be smarter to go that route… unfortunately that is not the case for me, we just didnt have much savings at the time and could only afford 3%…