Need recommendations for running shoes

Looking for some good running shoes. Doesnt need to be top of the line, but judging by how my body is screaming at me, the shoes I’m using now are not going to cut it.

What are some qualifying questions for what shoes to look at? I have no idea what info I need to look at for what I’m doing.

Real men run barefoot.

i have always loved my nike shox , ive had them for four years now. super light

Go to a real running store. Everyone’s foot and posture is different, get fitted for a real shoe. It will be free and you’ll thank yourself for years.

you ain’t a balla runna if you ain’t wearin deez

runners roost in OP is the only true running footwear store that comes to mind.

Yeah. It all comes down to what part of your foot strikes the ground first when running. If you buy a generic shoe, regardless of brand, you could fuck yourself if you intend on doing a lot of running.

Anything I should look for / watch out for? I hate salesmen, and try to know a little bit about what I’m lookin at before I buy…

Every decent store I’ve been to its been about finding the type of shoe to fit your feet. They aren’t car salesmen, they aren’t on comission…

You may need to go to a bigger city, Marathon sports in Boston is where I got my first fitting but I’ve been to similar stores in Chicago and Atlanta. It should be a store geared towards running, not a big box shop like Dicks.

Runners Roost in OP. They’re all about running from what I saw when I went in there. The guys seems to know their shit and the selection is decent.

I have a $50 pair of New Balance ones that works great.

go to fleet feet or any other store that will actually fit your feet to specific sneakers instead of just selling you the pretty ones

i really like any of the nike bowerman series.feels like ur on air. :tup:

Bunch of fancy fggts in here.

Exactly, fleet feet on delaware near hertel. They check out your feet, let you try on several pairs, and have you run on the treadmill to see what feels best. They go above and beyond what is expected when buying a 100 dollar pair of sneakers

And while you are at Fleet Feet grab some Shot Blocks in black cherry or strawberry and some Sport Beans, the blue ones, SOOOOO good and I can go for miles and miles with those. I tried the gels and the instant energy they gave me helped me out BIG TIME when I hit the wall on the Highlander.

word, thats nice and close.

+1 for Fleet Feet. They will test your pronation and stride and hook you up with the best sneaker for you.

mine just came in today from new balance. Can’t be beat for he price and how well they work . i have wide flat caveman feet not many shoes work for me

I prefer Asics, but I have found that it’s how I was running that hurt my feelbads more than the sneakers I was wearing.

Go for a run with a runner and they will show you the wayyyyyyysss.