I have to write a research paper for my english class. figured id keep it easy and do it on engines,( the history of engines and how they have developed and helped out society and what not) anywho, i need some books or articals for referancres…any ideas or do you guys know of any?
need spelling help.
ok i was serious but if you want to be a cock sucking ass rammer fine, fuck you guys. I thaught we were past the fact that i have shitty spelling…either post somthing usefull or shut the fuck up. its that fucking simple. I dont know why you guys have to be such fucking cunt rags all the time but im tired of it. every fucking time i ask for help or say somthing it always ends up about my spelling. you can get a spoon and eat my ass.
MODS please close this thread, evidently there are just a bunch of fuck tards on this forum. Ill find what i need myself.
reference the dictionary. Use real definitions, instead of made up ones.
need anger management help.
no, you need to get the dick outa your ass. I dont know what else to say, i ask a simple question and get an asshole response…instead of sure ill help a person out…i get “need help spelling”. fuck you newman, die in a fire.
need humor help.
humor is funnier in moderation.
picking on his spelling is too easy, and should be avoided unless its unavoidable.
Go to www.buffalolib.org
Run a keyword search for Internal Combustion Engine.
I just did this and there were plenty of books you could use for your project.
holy crap this thread is lollable
need shutup help
Stole my response.
(gets spoon)
god this ass tastes like… ass.
Normally it might be ok for you to get upset when people comment on your spelling, BUT THIS IS HELP FOR A RESEARCH PAPER!!! I don’t have a problem with it personally, but you will get a horrible grade if you have any mispelled words or other grammatical errors.
spellcheck my man…spell check.
lol janny…dont like the dinglberry suprise?
and newman, yeah sorry for tweekin i know ur dickin with me, iv been havin a bad day.
catalyst…thanx man…much appreciated.
I don’t do much at work. If it is not too long of a paper I would be happy to look it over and give you some input. PM if you would like.