Need so opinions

14.8 sounds more like it

I like bench racing.

You’ll go 16.9 at 78 mph

16.9 highly doubt it my Honda Pilot prolly will run that


You will not pull off a 14.8

Brooks is generally regarded as a damn good driver to pull that off.

They are a mid-low 15 second car with a decent driver, that 14.8 was with jesus christ himself driving.

On street tires, inexperienced driver, youll be lucky to do that.

Fully agree with Nick on this, 16’s are very probable.

Welll i am gonna run both car at the valley so if you see a honda pilot you know its me

Pilot wikl be faster guarenteed.

brooks was basically a Type R motor


I think Brooks ran a 14.5 at like 95 or 96mph…I only remember this because It was the GSR I sold him… :slight_smile:

Seen this car around. He puts up 11s consistently on meth.

The pilot would be faster than the GSR??? what id this world coming too

Ya that meth tho we are talking about pump gas

The pilot is awd and a k powered car if i am not mistaking. It’ll beat the GSR id say.

Your think of the CRV the pilot is the bigger one with the j35A4 motor (3.5L) and its 4WD that kick in when the front wheels slip

So even more motor, with AWD. I rest my case.

Lol what about the Weight to power ratio? I will admit I did get a 328i off the line