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plenty of single men here on pittspeed hahaha


well you could post nudes. im sure hearing compliments would make you feel better.

that is the most unselfish thing from a guy ive heard in quite some time


2/10 :hsugh:

listen to this man!

that mean we’re gettin the nudes?

x2 :bigok:

Im on my second member…I dont think a third is going to happen.

and no nudes. Besides I dont have any :angel:


well you could post nudes. im sure hearing compliments would make you feel better.

u konw u want to

whos the 2nd?? Mac or cheeks??

sorry guys…no nudes! Im not that kind of girl.

[tomgreeninroadtrip]Do you have any copies of the nudes? If you did you could upload the copies. [/tomgreeninroadtrip]


cheeks :love:

you must not have gotten the memo

refering back to the second post…I see where this is going.

