Need help bad...

Long story short i dont have insurance and ran out of my medication and am currently going threw a horrable withdrawl from it. I was woundering if anybody has expierienced this before and what the hell can i do to feel better? I have a horrable headache, cant stop shaking, im getin chest pains and heart palpatations, im getting these imense dizzy/virtigo spells, i have to brace myself if im standing for more than a few min or i fall over. I seriouly need some advice here…id go to a dr but no insurance/no money> me.

Call a doctor? Ask a relative for help? I dont think a car forum is a good place to start LOL.

Some meds you have to be eased off of,stopping them cold turkey can be harmful.

ummmm ya. what were you taking? pain killers?

Effexor, its for helping regulate the level of seritonin in the brain. Used for mood swings/depression that kinda shit…i call it my anti-asshole medication.

how old are you, you may qualify for free state medicare

i do qualify, but im in the process of resubmitting my paperwork and shit because i just turned 21.

what’s wrong with being an asshole?


seriously, I can’t help ya, but I’ll wish you good luck on getting the help you need.

Goodluck, I know how you feel

i feelike im dying lol…wtf this sucks! i was working on my drumms, puting on new skins…went to take a piss, came back and cant remember where i put my damn wrench. its a special size, like 6.5mm. i was gona 30 seconds and i lost it…im losing what little i have left of my mind.

Suddenly the conservative nonsense makes sense :lol:


Ask your old Dr. who has your charts for some samples. They can at least look at your charts and see when you were last there and current medications. Just explain the situation and see if they will hook you up.

More often than not an office will be happy to hook you up. Hell, I tell that to offices everyday that if a pt. does not have insurance to give them my samples to hold them over.–>I don’t carry effexor though, sorry.
I hope that helps. :tup:

drug dealer are you a pharmacist? :slight_smile:

ask friends or family members for cash dude, souns like one of thopse situations where you realy cant afford to have to much pride

then hit up your doctor for a new perscription

even if you can only get enough for a lower dosage for a month or w/e, im sure that would be better then nothing at all

gl man

dude I do that every day.

I have used this pharmacy before and they are excellent. Stuff comes in a few days. They have many generics that are MUCH cheaper then in US pharmacies.

Other then replacing that shit with some generic Zoloft or something dont do dumb shit to stress yourself out.

Lost the wrench…not the end of the world. Relax and look for it or go do something else till you calm down.

If you start feeling sick… sit down. Do something different that relaxes you.

As weird as it sounds tanning has a calming effect. Chemically it does something that actually makes you feel a bit better.

I like herbal tees… they seem to help.

Be your own guinea pig and experiment.

Most mediactions do more harm then good.
Fucking 6 page list of side effects.
Youll feel better but after 8 months your dick will fall off. … well thats just fucking great. I feel better already

Zoloft and Effexor are not nearly as similar as Paxil and Effexor. Be careful.

drug rep for Pfizer

i go through drum keys like sticks…

you mean your going to try to milk the system for free healthcare? you sure your not liberal?

def. call the dr. instead of asking us for help, i mean i got some wrenches and stuff but that might make this painful

i’m sorry, but You bought new drum skins? but you dont have money to put towards med’s?