Are you on psychiatric meds?

I’m just curious about how many people around here are taking [medicine](javascript:var empty2 =‘ B8E72C-E418-494C-2D84-ACCB200C6DEE&DistID=0102050224’, ‘_blank’):wink: to correct some sort of psychiatric problem, be it depression, anxiety, whatever.

I’m not looking for who is so feel free to keep it anonymous.



My brother used to be on some schizo meds but they made it worse so he took himself off and he is way better off. They made it so he couldnt hold a thought, youd be talking to him and all off a sudden he would be out of it. The Dr said it was so he couldnt put enough of a thought together so he couldnt have bad thoughts or some shit like that, it was all fucked up.

I don’t believe in that shit.

Then you’re ignorant. No offense, it’s not an insult. You are just lacking the knowledge of what they do and how they work.

I know how they work. I just don’t think they are needed.

There are extreme cases where intervention via medication may be needed: A true checmical imbalance in a individual that would cause some problems.

For the most part though, we have modern day media and advertsing to thank for this country becoming a nation of hypochondriacs. I obviously feel that a vast majority of people on medication now a days don’t need it, BUT there are some with valid cases that need that little extra help.

Biker… hope you get the info needed to help your friend.

No, but I was during junior year of high school. Oh terrible time terrible thinking on my part. I’m not at all ashamed, it really does make me a more empathic person.

Modern day healthcare prefers to treat rather than cure. :wink:


I think there are some people out there who really need it… others think they do because they think they’re just like the little guy in the zoloft commercials, when in reality… all they really need is a little more love.
so … I support it/don’t support it.

Sensible gurl!


For almost 150 years, psychiatry has been masquerading as a medical science and as a branch of medicine. It is not and never was a science or a type of health care. Modern psychiatry is driven by unproved empirical assumptions, medical biases, and pseudo-scientific opinions. There are no scientifically established, independently proven facts in psychiatry. Psychiatry, in fact, has no laws or testable hypotheses and no coherent and comprehensive theory. Psychiatry conspicuously lacks scientific proof or evidence to support its news-media-parroted claims of “mental illness” or “disorders”.

After about seventy years of psychiatric practices and research, there is still no diagnostic test for schizophrenia or any of the other three hundred so-called mental disorders listed in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is essentially a list of class-driven moral judgements of allegedly abnormal behaviour, published and propagandized by the American Psychiatric Association. The DSM is the official bible of organized psychiatry. The DSM is the equivalent of the Malleus Maleficarum in the middle ages, which Spanish inquisitors used to identify, target, stigmatize and burn witches and heretics. Today’s witches, heretics, and scapegoats are labeled mentally ill or schizophrenic.


I dont know man…proven or not…I work with some individuals who definatly are not mentally stable for one reason or another, and drugs keep them from hurting themselves/others. This is fact, as their charts clearly state that they were self-[font=&quot]injurious, or showed physical agression towards others before medication was administered.

Although your point is well made, I have to disagree.



^^^ I have to agree. Have you ever tried to do counseling on a schizophrenic or a bipolar not on meds? completely impossible. I do agree however, that the DSM is merely a book that lumps people into categories. The book’s diagnoses are used primarily to bill insurance companies and decide appropriate treatment. From someone who sees first hand how medications help people, I would say that in some cases it is necessary.

Psychiatric drugs are worthless, and most of them are harmful. Many cause permanent brain damage at the doses customarily given. Psychiatric drugs and the profession that promotes them are dangers to your health.

Edit: I thought this rhetoric would get people more fired up.

nopers not for me