Are you on psychiatric meds?

not me, i don’t think i could ever be depressed. i have a natural high going on all the time.

Studies that prove this?

Studies that prove they don’t?

I used to be on and was addicted to Xanax my senior year of high school for panic attacks related to a spinal problem. Nasty stuff.

You really need to take some good psychology classes. :wink: You could argue good points much better.

Way to back up a statement with some real facts…by the way psych major 4 life yo :slight_smile: What up everyone I am a serious danger to your health because I learn about people’s psyche and at one time wanted to help. :rolljerk: I’d be more offended if you knew what the hell you were talking about.

And remember kiddies, just say no. :slight_smile:

You should at least credit whatever website you copied that nonsense from.

Why would I waste my time with psychology classes? No one has argued against what I posted from (for rskrause) with any valid information. I am open minded to what other think. My gf has a psy degree and I have discussions with her all the time about this stuff. I am not arguing against therapy btw, just the drugs.

I hardly even know where to start. This is not the best setting for a debate on the nature of psychiatric illness, but I will say that I disagree with everything substantive in the quote. As someone who diagnoses and treats diseases every working day for the last 25 years, I will address one specific point. The statement "there is still no diagnostic test for schizophrenia or any of the other three hundred so-called mental disorders listed in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of “Mental Disorders (DSM)” is meant to imply that there are no physical or functional derangements that are measurable in schizophrenics (or other categories of mental illness). If you’d care to see how ludicrous this is, do a quick Google. Try terms like “brain imaging in schizophrenia”, or “brain chemistry in schizophrenia”, and so on.

Yes, it’s true that a person who is paranoid and delusional will always find a way to twist the facts to fit their preconcieved idea. For example, maybe all of these differences are really just pointing out that schizophrenics are “different”, not just abnormal. Before you buy that argument, think of all the other neurologic diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, and so on. There is exactly the same kind of evidence for them as there is for the major psychiatric diseases.

If “catalyst” wants to start questioning the motives and credibility of the “psychiatric establishment”, maybe he should ask himself the same questions about the anti-psychiatry camp. Who are these people? I know the answer, but in case any of you are doubters, it might be more credible to see for your self. If you start with the Wikipedia article you can learn a lot.


^^stated in a much more eloquent manner than i could manage to do, but i agree with this!!

I have seen the brain imaging pictures in text books. I am not saying this stuff simply doesn’t exist. I just don’t think giving people tranqualizers that shut down portions of thier brain, good or bad, is the right thing to do. The drugs don’t purely pinpoint, and fix, the chemical differences.

I have no problem questioning the anti camp. I wouldn’t go protesting with those people from the website, but of course you don’t agree with them. Since your livelihood depends on it.

Which wikipedia article are you talking about btw. I will read it and keep an open mind.

That’s a commendable attitude! The Wikipedia article is on “Anti Psychiatry”. It does not attempt to either credit or discredit the premise, just describes the controversy. Putting it in a slightly different perspective, that the article does bring out to a point, is that the anti-psychiatry movement has lost a LOT of intellectual steam since we (medicine) has gotten so much more sopisticated with neuroimaging and biochemisty.

I am not a psychiatrist, the kind of psych patients we see in the ED are a financial loss, not a benefit. If we declared them all “sane” and said “don’t go the ED the next time you start picking up signals from Mars telling you to murder your family” it would help my bottom line, not make it worse.

Ok I’ll check it out after work today. Thanks.

This is ironic, but I saw the end of a show on un-othodox treatments…one really interesting hypothesis (partially proven IMO) is that a true catholic exorcism has a profound effect on treating certain types of psychosis.

which brings me to my next point, against my original argument, which is the plaecebo (spelling) effect. During clinical trials of many different drugs the control group often shows improvment as well…so are the drugs working or is it pure psychology?


i think catalyst is related to tom cruise, and how do you know so much about the overwhelming pressure someone under stress, anxiety, and depression is? oh there just being babies, blah blah blah suck it up… i don’t feel that way, therefore you shouldn’t either… man all i got to say is your lucky you have your health. you should support medical advances in curing mental illness. i don’t agree everyone on pills needs them, but it sure does help those in need. maybe you need to live with someone who is a manic depressive, suffers from frequent anxiety attacks, and is bi-polari guess until you walk some miles in their shoes you should keep your negative opinions on the matter bottled up inside your narrow mind.

Well put in spite of the lack of CAPITALS. It’s all to easy to be a critic when you haven’t walked a mile in the other guys shoes.

i wasn’t going to lower myself to the point of internet yelling. i don’t need to yell to state the obvious. oh btw too :wink:

I don’t see cures for mental illness anywhere :shrug: You say I am narrow minded because I think putting people on debilitating drugs is a bad thing. Why are you getting down on Tom Cruise? It’s just cause you don’t agree with his choice for a natural lifestyle.

I would fully support medical technology that can pinpoint and cure the problems these people face. Maybe they should try fasting and a natural raw diet for a while. Until then, I don’t align myself with the current school of thought on this subject.