Insomniacs .... Ambien

So how many other out there have sleep and got prescribed Ambien?
I took it last night for the first time and about a half an hour after taking it I started laughing uncontrollably and hysterically for about 10 minutes, FOR NO REASON AT ALL.

While it was pretty funny at the time… it was kind of weird. Just curious if anyone else has taken it and their experiences.

HAHAHAHAH omg sooo weird

ShiftDead was just telling me a very odd story about someone he knows being on ambien and acting all funky

Heh. Yeah, it’s reasonably strong stuff.

Watch yourself. Follow your doctor’s orders. People get addicted to Ambien when they start managing it themselves (aka taking more than they should.)

I mean don’t get me wrong other wise. It worked great after that. I fell asleep and slept for a full 8 hours undisturbed.
That hasn’t happened in a long time.


This is what they gave me. But it only put me out the first week or so then i would still stay up and be all tweaked like you were. Then a few times I had like crazy style panic attacks and thought my heart was going to explode. I threw them away and feel much better now that im back to sleeping once in a while again lol.


This is what they gave me. But it only put me out the first week or so then i would still stay up and be all tweaked like you were. Then a few times I had like crazy style panic attacks and thought my heart was going to explode. I threw them away and feel much better now that im back to sleeping once in a while again lol.

that was the shipment of columbia’s finest I sent you for market testing purposes man, not ambien. no wonder…

I don’t really have an addictive personality. I’m not to worried about it. I’m on a really low dose too.

I’ll try it. Everyones body is different. I can’t keep not sleeping for extended periods of time. Last night was one of the best nights of sleep I’ve had in a VERY long time. It was well worth it to me so far.

Haven’t you spent enough time :lockd: up :wink:

Columbia’s finest has never made anyone feel the way I did on that shit. I for real thought it was the end of the road I was literally holding my cell waiting to call 911 once I had a seizure or something.

If you end up having problems with ambien, give melatonin a shot. Worked just as well for sleep in my experience, but its a non-addictive herbal supplement that doesn’t accidentally your brain.

The first time I met my GF’s father he was fucked up on Ambien. When I walked into the house he was leaning on his gun vault spinning the combo and drooling. When I said hello he looked at me and said I got your’s right here and started spinning the combo again. Soon after he poured a bowl full of brown sugar and milk and started eating it like soup. This drug is for people with really bad anxiety and cannot fall asleep. If you are a “toss-n-turn” sleeper this is not the drug for you.

Also to add some more relevant info besides just ranting I went to a sleep study/clinic and they told me that Ambien isnt really good for someone like you and i that are REAL insomniacs. it is for people that need to change/fix a sleep schedule and people that are having temporary sleep problems from stuff like stress.

Also whenever I am training really hard physically my sleep patterns get tons better. One of the reasons I am a fitness nut. Anytime I get injured or lazy and take time off my sleep gets way worse. I just started training for a marathon and I really hope that in a few weeks my sleep improves.

I just started a unisom (OTC) regimen, it’s working really nice. I take two about an hour before I need to sleep. Start to settle down normal ways (read a book, slouch on the couch, etc) and you’ll be out in no time. I’ve heard way too many crazy things about ambien, it’s completely scared me away from prescrip sleeping pills.

right that’s usually what i would do … either get myself physically exhausted or i would just drink till i was tired. Well drinking like i used to doesn’t work anymore as there isn’t much of a lining in my stomach and i have to grow up sometime. :slight_smile:

With all this advise i’m going to try the ambien out see how it goes. Today i do feel really good so we’ll see.

I take Ambien once in a while (only when needed) but a few of my cop friends had some pretty funny stories to tell about people “sleep walking/driving” while on Ambien. lol
I have also heard of people gaining weight because they get up and eat in the middle of the night. lol

HAHA same thing here. Now im a physically fit meathead who take daily pills for acid reflux :picard: FYI ambian worked amazing for me at first. I woke up feeling like I could climb mount everest. Then it just started working less and less till tonjs of bad shit started happening. After the last episode I would rather be up for 4 days, have the flu, and get kicked in the nuts over that again. GL though lol I work with a couple of people that it works great for.

melatonin should work w/ less side effects…

Cougar don’t try to tie all of your personal problems to Ambien. j/k lol

Yea most of you on here would say being physically fit is a personal problem. :picard: :lol:

All I said about the ambien was that it fucked me up bad when I was taking it. I know plenty of others as well.