can't sleep

my clip shows up at my house tomorrow morning…
taking gravol to sleep.
that is all.

Isn’t Gravol intended to prevent nausea and vomiting ?

NyQuil (night time formula) will knock you out fairly well. Although it may have some unpleasent side effects.

Drinking warm milk, reading, or other such boring activity will relax you and send you to slumberland. Or I could come over and beat you with a hammer till you black out.

see the key to going to bed is one simple thing…just get a girl over, get laid and BAM ur asleep…works everytime

^^^^Works…i just have to keep driving them back home afterwards…so i end up being shooken back awake.

thats why you find the ones you don’t mind having over for the night.
and gravol will make you sleepy…
clip will be here at 12… can’t wait damn it…

Yeah man I hear ya, that was me waiting for my turbo kit to arrive. :slight_smile:

it left toronto 20 min ago… 40 and it will be here…

hahahah I can always sleep :slight_smile:

but for you , just get a girl that you do not give a shit about. then you can kick her ass out of bed and make hew slutty ass walk

I can’t sleep… b/c I have no f*in AC in my new house, and the fact that giant trucks show up at 4:30 am to dig dirt from a pit that’s pretty much infront of my window. And the sonofabitch neighbours dog won’t STFU.
But good luck with your clip.

^^^i can agree with u on the truck…i live in front of duffern aggregates…just one of the biggest corys…like 400 million trucks in the morning

compression is 155 155 180? 155 don’t know what is going on there but the rest are factory spec so I am happy I suppose.