Sleep Suggestions

What on earth do you clowns do in order to fall asleep? Or do you just not sleep at all. Long story short, I completely FUCKED my sleep schedule this winter break by staying up all night and sleeping all day.

Furious Father and Mighty Mom are not pleased. My dad refers to me as a cat and, when he is mad at something, the n-word. My mom just gets pissed because I don’t eat her food when she cooks it. :lol

Doctor Awesome recommended some OTC sleep aids which I picked up from Rite Aid. I took two and I feel mildly drowsy, but not even close to falling asleep.

If I put my head down on the pillow and try to sleep, I will just end up lying there until the sun comes up, and then usually pass out sometime around when the free beer and hot wings morning show is broadcasted.

I have to be up at 730 to drop Mighty Mom off at her place of employment, so I can’t be passing out at 5 in the morning. And believe me when I tell you that once I’m out, I am out. An airhorn probably wouldn’t even wake me from the fucked up movie that is usually playing in my mind.

go jack off

Go stick your head in a blender and come back when you realize who you are talking to.

murrdog got me hooked on this

i actually downloaded the entire 1hr thing and im sure it doesn’t actually do anything to the brainwaves but it blocks out any other noises and if you just let your mind go with the music it really works. fall asleep faster than i ever did.

i yea i forgot you have problems with ur ding dong

That reminds me of the idoser hype.

I’m listening to it. :lol

Try this:

Chris, srsly, whack your shit then go to sleep. It works :lol

Or drink, thats another alternative.

Ive been on a terrible sleep schedule too over break and getting back into the school routine is gonna be tough

I jerked off like two hours ago and have lost all sexual desires for the next 24 hours

take 4?

As of recent, what time do you fall asleep, and get up?

I usually pass out around 5 in the morning and wake up sometime in the late afternoon/early evening. :lol

It’s interrupted sleep, though. It’s not like I am out COLD for 12 hours at a time, more like a few hours here and a few hours there.

Oh, easy. Stay up an entire day, and go to bed that night.

That works too ^^

Or, do it the gradual way and get up 1/2hour earlier a day.

It would be easy if my body didn’t involuntarily shut itself down at 5am every morning

I remember once I stayed up for almost 3 days straight, then passed out for 19 hours, lol

I’ll send you a Slim Xtreme or two, take it at midnight and try to tell me that:tongue

You’re on.

I’m going to try and stay up straight until 10pm this evening. That’s the only way I am going to see any progress.

Any suggestions? :lol

Me and a friend did that back in the day, he slept for 2 days!! :lol Went to sleep, woke up the next night thinking it was the same night and went back to sleep for another day :rofl. Talk about one confused mother fucker when he came-to!