Sleep Suggestions

I’m dead serious. In fact, drive up RIGHT NOW and get them.

FUck it, I’m bored, I’ll meet you 1/2way if you take them when I get there.

lmao, I was confused as fawk when I woke up too

Transportationless ftl

keep shotgunning 5hr energy drinks?

Lame, honestly you’ve got NO IDEA how strong they are until you try them.

For example, I’ve taken ONE at 3pm, drank from 7pm-5am, stayed awake, drove 6 hours back to Maryland, and went to bed at midnight, for a total of 30 hours awake, and 20+++ beers and many shots.

Where can these magical beverages be purchased from?

Pills, off the market. Originally went for 30 a bottle and have gone for 200 a bottle on ebay recently. I’ve got 18 sealed bottles, and I only take ONE about ONCE a month for the mood enhancement that it brings. Ever take adderol?

Chris, see if Adam will pick you up and meet me for food in Saratoga or something, I’m bored!

Never taken it from what I recall.

I could have sworn I saw them at Rite Aid back when I used to work there in high school. That was 4 years ago though

Count down from 300 by 3’s, while breathing calm and visualizing the numbers.

I don’t think I’ve ever made it.

Dude!! I have the same prob, kinda. All winter break i have went to sleep no earlyier than 1am and sleep all day til i had work at 230. Now, next week i have class at 8am.

Get physically active, be productive. Shovel the snow from your whole yard, run till you cant even walk, clean the house. I stay active all day, whether it be mentally or physically. And as soon as I hit the bed, Im out hard till 5:30ish.

I have two methods I use.

The healthy way and the unhealthy way. The healthy way, I get plenty of exercise, eat no later than two hours before bed, and this might sound gay but, reading puts me to sleep so I will read something, anything works.

The unhealthy way, which is what I will be doing this entire month since I am working 90+ hours a week. Have a couple “drinks” before bed, or, if you have access to prescription pain killers, they work wonders too. But you have to be careful to not let this become the ONLY way to get to sleep or you will get hooked.

Either one works for me and which one I use depends on how busy I am at work.

Move to Japan. They’re 14 hours ahead so you can function like a normal human being there. You can even be early for work/school!

Don’t forget your wagaki.

If you miss Chevys while there, that’s ok- just rock two of these and call us in the morning:

Driving one will help you to get to sleep as well.

Good post, I’ve used both. Do not get addicted to pills. That will fuck your life up.

I have no issues getting to sleep, but i work the office life, 8-5. (Which sucks IMO).

Only you Vlad…

sell me one!

work 6am-4pm, take your dog for a walk even though its 10 damn degrees out, do the laundry, dishes, clean up your place, taker care of whatever else you have to do around the house, make dinner, fall asleep and repeat.

what is this sleep thing u mention?