Multiple All Nighters to Come: Advice Needed

Hey All,
So I have 2 presentations, 4 tests, and a ton of homework due this week. Just looking at the list, I don’t have enough hours in the day to do everything I want to and need to. So I need to pull all nighters. Several of them.

Anything from food/beverages to alterations in sleep patterns (something with naps?) will do. I will not take drugs, as much as aderol (sp) would probably be of great help to me this week.


sleep when ya can ,coffe …thats prolly the best safe rt i can think of

the way i would do it
cocaine …and lots of it

Viagra, pants will be tight but ur not gonna wanna sleep

adderall or dexedrine
large amounts of it


Jolt soda. Seriously, this shit will keep you awake for days. I used to drink about 4 of them a day when my son was first born and I had to work early. You’ll get the shakes like a crack fiend, but who cares? At least you’re awake.

Thats what I’m thinking by day 2 or 3. I’m going with massive carb overload for now, some say that the bodys ability to quickly burn energy helps you stay up. I’m staying away from caffeine until I absolutely have to.

When you feel the urge to nap or something, go out and run, play ball, do some physical activity instead… This will help wake you up, along with the shower after coming in from the heat.

Not sure what the nutrition experts say on this one, but I find when I eat a lot of meat and then carbs too, it makes me real sleepy. May want to stay away from this combination and large meals in general. Tough I know, but it’s harder to sleep if you are a little bit hungry…

Your post brings back memories of life at RPI- cramming is something I did not miss. It was usually due to my own fault being a procrastinator but the training for keeping the body up and not succumbing to sleep has helped me in my current job where I work a lot of hours, and strange ones too combined with travel through different time zones for short periods of time.

Edit here as I just looked at the board and saw mad posts from you… This won’t help you get your stuff done. If you want to really focus, use a program like Leechblock or something to bar access to “fun” sites for time blocks this week so you can focus on important stuff, like execution and, uh, sleep. Leechblock has helped my productivity a lot and I use it at work now to limit my time on this and other forums.

Good luck with everything man!

Quick question, why didn’t you plan on getting this stuff done previous to the week where you have a retarded amount of work/deadlines?

You can find ways to study: Jolt, Pills, etc. But, will you retain it?

White powdery substance

Hire a girl to give you constant blue balls and put a little hot sauce on your hands so you dont cheat. And if you do you wont be sleeping regardless.

Just lol’ed @ both of these :rofl

Grab a bottle of vitamin b complex too. One of those a day will help keep you alert and going.

You’ll prob get better grades after a few hours of sleep and rushing the work.


better work ethic FTW.

Trying to stay up is one thing. Doing something that requires your brain/memory while trying to stay up is a completely different story.

If you are studying for a test and you cram without sleep, your memory retention for that study will degrade substantially. Also, if you are doing work related to something else you already learned, accessing that information will also be difficult to do in your head.

shift518 ftl for advice like this, ask other RPI people :lol

I haven’t been procrastinating, it just happened that a ton of shit fell into happening this week. Everything written that I can do is done, papers, presentation, etc, I just don’t feel I’ll be able to prep for exams like I want to and need some extra hours to do it.

And RPI advice FTW sometimes and FTL others. I was offered adderrol this morning by a classmate :lol


Only other advice I can give is to go to the profs with the papers due and be like, “listen brah, here is a list of all the shit i have to do this week, can i have a 3 or 4 day extension. thnx.”