Multiple All Nighters to Come: Advice Needed

Anabolic Xtreme SX.


Suddenly everyones preaching like a fucking saint LOL.

Should of started the work earlier :slight_smile:

Here’s what I used to do in college when I needed more hours in a day:

Start taking a Vitamin B pill once a day a few days before hand, and continue to until you’re through the work.
On the night before day one make sure you get a solid 8-9 hours of good sleep.
Morning of day 1: wake up early (5am) and do a mild work out. Shower. Make yourself a good breakfast. Breakfast shake, some fruit, a piece of toast, maybe some yogurt, shit like that.
Start working, when you get hungry for lunch put down your work and get a good lunch, nothing greasy or whatever. Don’t work through lunch.
After lunch get back to working.
Around dinner time take a break. Do another mild work out and eat a light dinner. Take an hour to do something other than work, but don’t sit at the computer or watch TV. Find a friend and play some cards, do work around the house, talk with the GF, whatever.
Go back to work.
Around midnight take another 30 minute break and get a snack or something if you need it.

Work another couple hours. 2 or 3am head to bed. Make sure you sleep good, put in ear plugs and wear one of those sleep shades if you have too.

Wake up at 5am and start again.

In college I could do this for about 3 days before my body had enough.

FWIW, I barely study for my exams and still manage to pass with good standing. When I do study, however, I do so in 30 minute blocks and study only the necessary material (should go without mention, but some people think reading their textbook from cover to cover is the best way to study and conclusively they are just fucked in the head to begin with).

To me, it’s not worth the extra effort of busting my ass and killing my body with long hours to get from a B+ to an A or A-. ha

keep busy and keep yourself from being malnurished. showers always help me wake up, i have pulled more all nighters then i can even think of, for school, work, car shows whatever the case. the only time i ever used caffine is when i was driving for long periods of time cause its boring and when your over tired staying awake on highways is tough, but that doesn’t apply to you right now.

Honestly stay away from caffeine and such, you’ll crash and find that you took a few hour nap when you are very sleep deprived. Just keep your mind as sharp as possible, keep distractions to a minimum, and throw your head under cold water from time to time if needed lol(seriously)

Learn to budget your time better.

Where do you go to school? RPI? And you are asking people on a car forum how to cram? WTF.

I work in a local admissions office and this thread is some seriously funny shit that I am going to show my office, they will enjoy it.

Hey fuck head :lol

I changed that, I have to be careful on here! lol

Hey I went there for a year, well I was enrolled there for a year anyway.

Haha! Yeah, its just cheaper to go there for 2yrs then continue on elsewhere, at least for me!

I’m honestly looking for something to try. I’ve tried a ton of different ways and they don’t work for me. Some of my better ideas have come from places I haven’t expected them to.

Glad your admissions office will get a good laugh out of this. At least someone will. I know the 14 or so people I share my 20 credit semester schedule with aren’t laughing about this.

But just an update, I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon, so I’m doing pretty well. I think I’m gonna have to take naps every few hours to keep myself at peak efficiency.

Actually the situation is not funny at all, the responses are what I find amusing, and a couple people I work with will be able to relate to this sort of thing because you are not the only student in this situation and we get calls/visits often by people just like you.

Why are you taking 20 credits a semester? Sounds to me like you could avoid a lot of this shit by better planning/time management, that’s all I’m saying. Going to your instructor(s) may be something you want to consider at this point, they are people too and should be receptive.

Either way, I hope it works out for you.

Thanks man. I take 20 credits a semester to help me keep my GPA up, so if one class is going bad before the drop date, I can drop it and not drop down to 12 credits, which would put me behind for my dual major. It happened that this semester, everything is going awesome and has been very manageable until this week. I had an A or an A- in all my classes at the drop deadline so I figured why drop one? I can be a bit ahead, in case shit happens further down the road where I can only take 12 credits.

This. Literally nothing legal (or most shit illegal lol) comes close.

Tough to do at RPI, there is a lot of lab time and the tests are pretty challenging. I don’t know many people who “barely studied” and had a GPA better than like 2.5 range…

+1 :lol

Cool plan you got there… Seems to work- but maybe only in school.

Piece of advice: just remember in real life when you get out that when things are going $hitty you can’t just drop the project(s) that are going $hitty and then figure out how to do them well after another 6 months.

Not trying to be a d$ck, but I’m just saying that if you make a habit of overcommitting and bailing out when things get too tough in college, it could lead to similar behavior when you are working. Bosses usually don’t like that.

Thanks for the advice, I never really thought of it that way. I’ve never had to drop a course though, ( last 2 semesters took 20) but the end of the semester has never been this brutal in my past 2 times taking 20. Usually tests are better spaced than this, but live and learn on this one for sure.
Once I’m into the 4000 level courses I def won’t be pulling 20 credits off. I want A’s!! :lol

SRS answer. 100% dead serious if you are normal and don’t take it then get your hands on some aderall. All your work will be done before you even know it

Rep for funny.