So I need to stay up all night.

So I can get adjusted and ready for switching to overnights tomarrow.

Anyone have any suggestions on what to do to keep my lazy self awake. Besides going to sleep a few hours early and waking up at 10pm

eating also has a lot to do with your sleep pattern. shift it

you feel you’re getting tired go outside.

watch movies. do coke. masturbate.

watching movies and masturbating is not going to help…lol
Coke will definetly help , but then youre going to want to get beer and get wasted…lol
not good.

I worked third shift for almost 4 years. Being up all night is a piece of cake. The hardest shit to do staying awake while you drive back home in the AM.

Coffee and sweets helps a lot.

-Too expensive
-Would just encourage sleep

Yeah it’s not the first time I’ve done overnights. It’s just having to suddenly adjust from working mornings today and prior, and going to nights tomarrow. Just need to find something to do, if I get bored I’ll just fall asleep.

The nap method works best for me. I’ve often had to go back into work at 11:30pm and it’s taken at least 4 hours at times so I suggest you nape for a few hours, wake up around 11, go to work and then go to sleep. It will ease you into the new routine pretty well as you take the next day for final sleep adjustment.

not if you set goals for yourself… say 11 spewages in 8 hours… which is impossible since you start firing blanks roughly after 3 :-/

I got Aderal :wink:

fuck adderal, Modafinil

blows adderal RIGHT out of the water, its like a 10-15 hour adderal but makes you happy and horny !

OhEmJEE. I don’t have classes until afternoons this semester so I’m up all night anyway.

Walmart dance party!?

anyways, the other thread got closed, but toda kinda looked like:

Joel…hi…can we be friends again yet. Or are you in the process of filing for divorce?

you keep your post quality somewhere around halfway decent and we’re good :tup:

EDIT: and aim convo as well


Play GTR2 all night long. :eekdance:


video games fuzzy.

come over and drink soco with me. that will keep you up…

I might just take you up on that offer. Up for some leet guitar hero action and such?

bring your disc over cause ours got all fucked up. but sure, im not doing anythign else.


fucking play tfc you cock. i wont be on, becuase i have class at 8. but i will when i get home.