any other night owls in here?

Well, I made the official trade from day crew to night crew this past month.

I work for a corporate bank, and my manager wanted me to work on a permanent project with a crew out in Los Angeles from here in Buffalo.

The pros is that I ended up with about a $7000/year raise in salary. Not bad for this economy, no one got a penny in my department.

I also got to pick what nights I would work, I chose sunday-wednesday, 4 10 hour shifts. 830pm-7am…

The cons list is fucking long! I have no problem staying awake at work, I drink very little caffeine, just water.

When I get my 3.5 days off every week, I feel like a zombie… Here I am at 430 in the morning, awake all night…

Any tips on switching your sleep pattern upside down every “weekend”?

I’ve been sleeping pretty solid from 8am to 4pm every work day, then staying up right until 8am the next day.

Keep a consistant sleep patter. At all costs. I sleep 5am to noon and it works great. And stick with of through the weeknds too

I’m running on about the same schedule. I have to agree with the staying consistent.

Honestly as much as consistent sleep is amazing. Switching between nights and days makes you actually feel like a member of society.

I work tues-friday 9pm-7am and rotate back to normal hours on my days off. Been working this shift for about 8 months tried both styles of sleep and the only way i’ve felt like a normal human on my days off were to switch back to normal sleep.

Watch out in the winter months for cabin fever. not seeing the sun for days on end can really fuck with your head esp. with the lack of Vitamin D.

When I did it I skipped a “night” of sleep. so I only slept 6 times a week

I switch in reverse every weekend cause I fucking hate getting up early. My natural sleep pattern is 5am to noon-1PM. I do about 12-1 to 8am during the week, and usually about 5am to 1 or 2PM on the weekends. The keys for me are to take a nap for a couple hours after work on Friday so I’m not dead ass tired, and to take melatonin on Sunday nights to get to sleep or else I’d just be up all night.

Get outside a lot. When I was an insomniac I would kinda get depressed I guess if I did not get outside and socialize. Humans naturally want to socialize. Either that or pick up an opiate addiction.:lol:

I used to work overnights 11p-11a. Horrible shift. It’s all in the sleep schedule. Once you get that down you are set. Sleeping during the day is hard, I would invest in dark drapes for your room lol.

It is gona take about 4-6 weeks for your body to adjust. I worked nights for years. Train yourself to get to bed about an hour after work. Wrap a towel over your eyes helps to get to sleep.


You will find your routine. Every one is different. To me, 8 hours of sleep a day is too much. 5-6 should do just fine.
My new schedule will consist of 2 16 hour shifts and 1 8 hour shift. The insanity is it will all take place within 56 hour period of the week. :slight_smile: Work week starting at 3pm on wednesday and ending at 11pm on Friday. Which means I have off Friday night until wednesday afternoon every week.

Anything that will improve your life work related, you will adapt to, even if it kills you in the long run (which it may, no seriously, you will die much sooner in life).

did nights a LOT in the army, gross amounts of alcohol was my answer…

+1 I almost never sleep Sunday nights either.

i work midnights, 11p-7a. i actually stay up until 2p after i get out of work and then sleep in the afternoon before work. if i sleep right after work and then get up 6 hours before i work, i feel like shit at the end of my shift.

used to work 3am to 1pm, i found out that sleeping from 130ish till 7. was the best, then staying up till work again. just gotta stay active ill work after you work, helped me alot.

I usually sleep 9am-5pm and work when everyone else is sleeping so it doesn’t interfere with events and such.