So I need to stay up all night.

ONE CONDITION. when you come over pick up a jar of maricino cherries or however you spell them. i forgot to get them and these manhattans with no cherrys are fucking killing me.

Wtf is a maricino cherry? And where does said commodity come from?

play some games. if you watch movies you will fall asleep. I would just sleep until work, and then start your new shift, and then sleep after work. Your body will naturally get used to the new shift

you can find maraschino cherries in the dessert sections in wegman’s, tops…

EDIT: might even be in the section where they keep your bitch drinks, fuzzy :wink:

It comes from the grocery store, they are the really red cherries in the glass jar full of syrup. You put them on a chocolate sundae…

BOOM protein everywhere

and they are delish. even more so when they soak in whiskey.

oh and a pack of marb lights box, i forgot to get those too. i’ll give you cash when you get here? :slight_smile:

i would do it myself, but im kinda drunk

omghawt. And I don’t have the money for both off-hand. Only the cherries.

bah aim me sublimebigj

hahaha i want to eat maraschino cherries!

No lie…one day at my old place of employment 6 people asked me where they were.

corey you can come over and eat all of my whiskey soaked cherries like the girls at the bar do…

wait that didnt sound right

Hahahahah… the inuendo is strong with this one…

Thank god. I wouldn’t come over for just anybody’s whiskey soaked cherries.

why are you switching back to Nights Fuzzy?

I want weekends off again, and I can’t get it on days. It wasn’t really my first choice, it was however my 31st choice. But it’s hard enough to get weekends off so I’m not complaining. Too much that is. Still hate being a mindless tech support drone.

just out of curiousity where is this mindless tech support job?

At Time Warner I get to play the role of Mr. Plzrebootmodem.