Staying awake?

So what do you do to stay awake?

Here I am working midnight to noon :/: and find i don’t get tired till about 7am, right when the sun rises. I’m not a huge fan of energy drinks (red bull) because they make later on even worse with the crash.

I don’t mind coffee but it doesn’t do it for me much anymore, actually i don’t think it really did do anything. Ive been working this job since Grade 10 so about 4.5 years now. I manage to get by, or i should say I don’t fall asleep anymore lol

I love these 5 hour energy things though. I’m going to wait till about 4 am and drink it rather then right at the start of my shift to see if its any better.

Anyone else on the graveyard shift, what do you do?

Its really relaxed here so i can do pretty much anything.

Those 5 hour drinks actually work? I’ve found both energy drinks, coffee, really anything that “says” it’ll work, doesn’t.

I’ve been meaning to try the 5 hour drinks. Shit I might even buy one tonight for a tester LMAO.

Yeah work better for me then coffee. What do you do though once you drink that other stuff?

If i sit here at the desk after drinking it doesn’t really take much of an effect, if i go walk around or actually do something productive they work well.

Red bulls or other energy drinks are a last result for me i like them but i hate the fucking crash

I used to work graveyard shifts. Red bull, Ipod, PSP, Laptop, and Bluetooth headsets were all life and job savers! haha. NEVER read a book.

I’ve tried using them during activities and just sitting around.
Doesn’t seem to work for either.

I am considering a try for the 5 hour drinks though.
Any specific ones you’d suggest that you feel actually work during both active and non-active activities?

haha yeah i got the work desktop the laptop and music going.

There is a tv and lazyboys in the other room but i don’t bother cause ill pass out. I occasionally hook the laptop up to the big screen in the lobby and watch movies or play games off it.

I use to bring my car into the hangar and work/wash it but they don’t like paying me to do that anymore:p. That was the best thing for me hahaha

I just buy the original 5 hour energy little ones that are red/orange in colour.

Haven’t tried any of the other ones

I need a job like this.
Hiring? LOL

hahaha If you like having no weekend then take my job 2- 12 hour shifts, work then sleep. Then have a fucked up sleep and eating schedule till about weds and repeat.

Anyone know some cool sites of randomness? Doesn’t have to be car related…

I’m pretty sure i know the internet more then Fobwall…

If I didn’t have school I’d consider it.
I sleep during the day anyways lol.

Full time student myself :frowning:

Damn dude, your a trooper lol.

Anyone know some cool sites of randomness? Doesn’t have to be car related…

I’m pretty sure i know the internet more then Fobwall…[/QUOTE]

i think has some pretty cool car vids

LATE! All those cars are beat!

lol i wonder what you guys are doing on ur comps at this time… no homo though… hahha

go to
that’s as random as it can get :slight_smile:

Lmao those cars really get a pounding eh…

Already on it lol

5 hour energy drinks ALLL THE WAY!!

I drove 7 hours strait with pitstops towards orlando before i gave up all natural

Driving home i made it 15 hours with 3 or 4 of those 5 hours! I did feel a tad sick the next day but hey…it says take 1 or 2 max a day so i was expecting it. Not only did the shot wake me up but i was able to focus on the lines on the road and noticed i was a tad bit more aware and it was a little more pleasant driving.

Do not get the 6 hour or any other type other than that red/yellow/blue 5 hour one…the others don’t work i find.

Otherwise a safe healthy way is drinking a ice cold glass of water every 30 minutes. ICE COLD!

Creatine shakes… I Cant Sleep!!! lol… and im shaking

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