Recharge Energy

So somehow I got some trial supply of recharge energy

Those fun little packets you add to a waterbottle shake and go…

So i used some of this shit about an hour ago…

Jesus fuckin christ im so restless right now… I cant stop fuckin moving… im sweating my nuts off and my mind is racing at a mile a minute

So good shit if your like eman going to the gym,

bad idea if your confined to a house/office and cant do a fuckin thing

can i have some? my gf is coming over tomorrow :ninja

errr maybe later tonight… idk yet

that shit doesntdoanything for some pople, like energy drinks dont do shit forme ithink cuz im always wired

most energy drinks barly do anything for me unless i drink a shit load fast…

5 hour energy… yea i drank 2-3 of those at a clip dont do shit

this stuff i dunno just makes me fuckin anxious

Yup. :thumbup

Energy drinks dont do much for me either. I feel a little bit for a few minutes and then nothing.

I can fall asleep 5 minutes after drinking a 5 hour drink.

I’ll have to try these sometime. 5 hour shots and energy drinks don’t do much for me.

its crystal meth in a can !!

yea man i mean energy drink will give me a slight boost… keep me from feeling like im going to pass out in the middle of the day but they dont drive me off the walls like they do for some people…

maybe its just be but like code blue said i swear its like lime flavored crystal meth you just add to you bottle of water:lol

I know a lot of people have a vendetta against Red Bull, but no matter how tired I am it keeps me awake. This lime flavored meth honestly scares me a bit, I don’t want to tweak out I just don’t want to fall asleep. :lol

monster rules all !!

monster tastes absoloutely horrible

but its weird acctualy… all energy drinks kinda tase like shit… there like beer its an aquired taste…

I hated redbull, rockstar, most of those energy drinks, but after drinking them multiple itmes i like them

i dunno theres 1 monster i dont mind to much but ther others taste horrible imo

IMO Red Bull is the only one that doesn’t have some sort of funky after taste, I love it.

I only drink red bull with vodka. But for a decent energy boost No Fear still works for me, tastes good too.

There’s this stuff called Endorush that GNC makes… it’s insane.

Red Bull drunk is the most confusing drunk ever, but damn is it a good time.

red bull is the worst energy drink out there. shit sucks without being heavily diluted w liquor

Elliot, I can’t handle YOU without being heavily diluted iwth liquor.


YES. Go me.

I can’t even drink redbull in drinks/shots. I’d rather drink the liquor straight than to mix it with that crap