5 Hour Energy shots

Has any ones used these before. Did they work or waste of time. Notice any positives or negatives

I don’t believe into them.

If you read the ingredients besides scaring you to death (I’ve never seen %'s that high on a product) you will see how they essentially overload you with Vitamin B12 by giving you 3 months worth in one 2oz drink (8333% percent of recommended daily dose IIRC, yes 8 THOUSAND).

This gives you a niacin flush


as it warns you on the label, and it’s not FDA approved, other than that it also gives you shot of coffee essentially judging by caffeine levels.

To top it off, it’s got the placebo effect going for it by calling itself “5 hour energy” which will put you into a mindset that you will have energy for a the next 5 hours. The placebo effect is practically the reason you don’t crash, because there is really nothing to crash from.

At least energy drinks are upfront about what they will do to you, give you a ton of different ingredients and caffeine to make you feel energized one way or another. I’d rather stick to tried and true basic caffeine or my favorite tasting energy drink, at least I’ll enjoy the 16oz I paid the $3 for instead of paying $3 for a shot of something that tastes like shit.

Which brings me to my next point, I wouldn’t buy it just because of the outrageous markup and profit margin going on the product. $3 for 2oz shot?! That’s equivalent of paying $24 for a can of redbull.

Ive taken them a few times. seemed to work

I took an extra stregnth one once tho, and I felt like my heart was gonna explode. I couldnt sit still

Read the label then shit brix…:rofl

If you like OD on B & B12, this will be good for you then…

Read the label then shit brix…:rock

If you like OD on B & B12, this good for then…

I’ve found that cocaine works much better

I usually just drink monster java’s(mean bean) because I like they taste. Oddly enough, I dont like coffee.

And x2 on the coke

I’m a stim junkie…

The effectiveness of a 5 hour energy (or any other caffinated product) is going to be determined by how tolerant you are of caffeine, and how much food is in your stomach. Overall though, I’d rate it as a decent energy product with minimal crash, but fairly weak to someone that has a medium/high tolerance of caffeine.

NO supplement or energy drink is FDA approved.

Other than that though, they do seem to work exactly as advertised. I never bought into the advertisment either until I got one for free from a friend and figured why not try it.

If anyone has tried the energy drink Spike puproduced by Biotest, a supplement company, the extreme seems to taste and work just like that except in a more concentrated dose.

Oh, and FWIW, the strongest energy drink that you can find in most stores is NOS in the plastic bottle, 347(ish)MG of caffeine!

Don’t interfere with my political campaign :lol

That’s irrelevant as my point still stands, 5 hour isn’t approved :tongue

I <3 Monster

If you want energy but don’t want to go completely overboard on the B12 or caffeine, just take vitamin B complex sublingual, thats what I take at work if I’m having a rough morning and it gives me energy to keep going, but no crash or jitters. You can find it at any drug store.

5 Hour energys never did shit for me. When I worked at FedEx, one point I dident get any sleep during the day for my shift, I took 2 of them figureing ehh wtf, dident do a damn thing for me. Few weeks back I took 1 figuring ehh wtf ill give it another shot… still nothing.

Then again I drink a shit ton of caffeine and my tolerance to it is extremely high.

If you can handle it, take a week off from caffeine, and that will pretty much reset your tolerance.

Works better than Redbull on road trips.

Ive gotta drink 2 to feel anything and they wear off real quick.

I was trying anything to stay awake when I used to have to go to Warrensburg early in the morning a year or more ago.

At one point I was drinking two 16 or 20 ounce energy drinks.

Yeah, a year or two ago I decided to try to give up soda/coffe and much of my caffeine intake. The first couple days were hell, terrible headaches and I was very irritable. After that thou I flused my body and drank a shit ton of water, I drank almost solely water for 3-4 months, best thign I ever did, then I relapsed and want to try to kick it again.

Epic PJB post is epic

Yep, honestly if I could go back a few years, I would of never touched any kind of energy product.