5 Hour Energy shots

I used to drink about a dozen cups of coffee weekly for about the last 4 years.

At the time I would have to drink 40oz of Coffee or two plus energy drinks to really get any sort of kick.

Over the last month I’ve cut down drastically on caffeine intake and I must say I’m glad I did. Not only it’s cheaper for me to get a caffeine kick again, but it’s also calmed me down a lot.

I hear you man, it’s addicting. I’ve taken more than a gram of caffeine in a day on occasion:crazy

Yea, I’ll tell you when I stopped, I had 1 cup of coffe in the morning that was it, water the rest of the day. I felt 10x better and had much more energy. But my brain sucks and keeps telling me I need energy drinks. Its worse than crack.

Fuck drinking redbull is more exspensive than smoking these dasy

7 and some change for a pack of smokes every 2 days (recently started smoking american spirits, cut down how much I was smoking drasticly)

2 big cans of red bull a day is 10 bucks.

Now Im pretty good on energy drinks- usually just one before the gym. No coffee and I havent had a soda in probably 4 years.

BTW sometimes Dollar Tree has the 5 hour shots 2 for $1. I get my energy drinks at Ocean State Job Lot for 70 cents.

Im pretty sure most people would become very sick/dead with that much.

And it’s a shit ton of liquid calories.

I think the only time I’ve OD’d on anything was on Caffeine off a bet.

I’ve taken 10 pills of NoDoz.

Was more or less fine for the next few hours, but then I’ve crashed and I crashed hard. I’ve had to leave work which was a first for me, went home and passed right out.

Nah, it’s nearly impossible to OD on caffeine. I’ve heard of one death many, many years ago (like in the 1800’s or some shit), where the dude was drinking over 50 cups of coffee a day for quite awhile. 50 cups of average coffee is about 5G of caffeine.

Yeah, that’s 2G of caffeine, fucking nuts man. The most that I’ve done in a short period of time (like 1/2 hour) is 500MG.

Ahh okay, I though once you got out of the MG’s caffeine became pretty toxic to the system.

How much caffeine does it take to cause death in once dose?

Oh also, considering switching to a preworkout supplement for your energy needs, it’d be much cheaper in the long run, not to mention they work better.

There is really no lethal dose man, who knows how much truth there is to the story that I told a few posts ago.

Fuck, i’ll have to see if I can find it, but I swear I saw something awhile ago that was comparing ammounts of caffeine, also stated that it is very possible to OD and die from caffeine, but not so much from drinks etc. Anyways they were physically showing ammounts of caffeine in how they range from your everday soda’s/coffe… to energy drinks, and then finaly the ammount it would take to kill you, I’m sure the measurement is something ridiculous that you coudlent do with any drinks, but it was less than a teaspoon or something…

Maybe it wasnt caffeine idk, i swear it was thou.

According to this it would take almost 60 cans of NOS to kill me… :rofl

A quick google search said that it’d take 80-100 cups of coffee in a short period of time.

Yeah saw that too

Said it would equal to about ~10+ Grams of caffeine.

I swear by them. Any night I didn’t get any sleep, I take one of those around 7am and I’m good for the rest of the day. Had to do that for my first track day at LRP. Stupid, but I was wired! There really is not crash either, you kinda ease off of it. Also, if I take one around 4pm, I won’t be able to sleep until the wee hours of the morning.

you’re gonna blow the welds on your intake!!!

I had one , made me feel like shit . I stay with the AMP’s and MONSTER’s to do the job .

no energy drink is really good for you but I’d rather not OD on B vitamins thank you. At least the Monster and Amp don’t taste like chalky shit.


I do like redbull though