Sleep Suggestions

My mom called me this morning around 10 and told me to pick her up and bring her to the store (I have her car today).

Thanks mom, my sleep schedule is now semi-normal. :lol

stay up like 2 days in a row. then go to bed at normal time, setup an alarm for about 9-10am the next day. stay awake till about 10-11pm that night and go to bed, youll just fall back asleep. keep doing that for a few days in a row.

Sleeping is one thing Ive never had trouble with. I usually fall right asleep within a few minutes of going to bed.

welcome to my world ,i have been to the doc and multiple sleep studies taken millions of sleepin pills and still dont sleep well. in fact pain killers wake me up no drowsy feelin at all

Muscle relaxers. Abuse them.

yeah ,if ya sniff em they work better .they burn a little so be prepared for that but dont let that stop ya . at least this is what i have been told lololol

Not once have I had to take a pill to sleep.

The obvious, easiest and cheapest solution is for Chris to sleep near/with Butters.

We got it, jellies, you dont have a sleep disorder.

I prefer to sleep alone

DUDE same here!

But I only sleep til like 1030ish, but I cannot get to sleep for shit. Usually 1-2-3AM…and then next week, like you, I have class at 8AM. FML.

Haha it’s gonna be so hard! hopefully i can get back into normal sleeping habits this week.

Here is what you have to do. You are up all night until around 7am and then start to nod off? Fight it and you have to stay up the whole day with no sleep then go to bed around 9pm. You should sleep all night at that point. Then you have to make sure you stay going to bed around that time and waking up in the am.

I have to switch my schedule every three months from days to nights. I work 7am-7pm for three then 7pm-7am for three. I have usually a weekend to switch my sleeping habbits and I usually fail. When it comes down to it, I just force myself to stay up then crash and it ends up switching over.

^^^ Seems like that would actually work.

As of late I’ve had ALOT of trouble with sleep. Sometimes i’ll be tired as hell, go to sleep at 10pm, wake up at 1am and cant for the life of me get back to sleep sometimes till 5-6am.

The g/f has some “anti-anxiety” pills that sometimes put me to sleep.

Or if worse comes to worse, i’ll smoke some indica strain pot. Puts me right to sleep

i just sucked down 3 ice cream sandwiches.

fah-q, insomnia.

Post in late night crew thread.


The real medical answer is light therapy.

That’s my life. :rofl

jerk off or sex right before bed. works every time.