Anybody here have ADD?

I know alot of people here have it, but don’t know who really. I have it pretty bad (it occompanies the Tourettes). Just wondering what you guys do to cope (medications, what you do for helping you study/pay attention in class ect). I am on 40 mg of Aderal. I freakin LOVE it. Makes a world of differance.

jesus JEG, you’ve got everything in the book.

The little boy across the street has ADD. He’s crazy loud. He jumps on the roof of his dad’s SUV and washes it in the summer time.

Josh, shut the fuck up with this stupid shit.



I have ADD

I blame it on global warming and the democrats

wow…it was just a fucking question… you guys need to chill the fuck out.


Actually… you’re looking for more shoulders to cry on.

All of your posts mention ADD, turrets, dyslexia, and genius.

boo fucking hoo.

Maybe I just know you too well :wink:


sounded 100% like a “Look at me” post from the beggining. And it just totally backfired.

But… I wonder if Hillary Clinton will ever do anything about my ADD like she promised. Prolly not. :gotme:

Stupid carpetbagger


wow, people are about as sympathetic as a doorknob

What was this thread about again? I’m bored…

Go bitch on myspace about your ADD it will get you more attention!

I think people (M.D.'s) just feel bad for stupid/short/fat/unhealthy/mental/anti-social people and devolpe ‘issues’ just so these people can have an excuse for falling short of par for the worlds social standards.

“Johnny, you’re not slow and semi-retarded, you just suffer from S.N.E.D.B.I.D. Let me put you on these pills so you can have an excuse for not pulling your weight in society.”

I might have ADD though. Where am I?

that made mee ROFLZ

ADD cure

I was told I had it when i was little,I didn’t believe in taking medication for a “disorder” that some shrink took a half hour to diagnose.Its more a of a personality trait IMO,everything in todays world is a fucking disease or disorder…take obesity for example,not a disease its just fat Americans with no willpower and motivation.

true in some respects and not in others

A large majority of doctors seem to not care when it comes to this anymore. With me when I was much younger I was diagnosed with ADHD, but it took much much much longer involving a few months of various testing, and observation. I was placed on medication which gave me great improvement at the time in my ability to focus, and allowed me to collect my thoughts. At the downside I started to find it hard to interact with others.

A few years down the road a nervous tick started to develop from it I was given something else. Worked almost the same, again no issues with focusing on anything but at the cost of maybe being too fixated on certain things and not developing certain other abilities. Which started to lead to depression. I talked with my parents about stopping towards the end of high-school and did so. I started to realize I had some mental block towards others, and the issue of an attention span of a fly if not less came back.

Last time I went to see a doctor in response to my depression/anti-social issues 3-4 years ago wanted me to get a prescription to some anti-depressants, and didn’t even give a shit about trying to work towards a real solution this was 15 minutes in. Mental conditions are not something that could be diagnosed in a day or even a week anyone in most cases.

It’s still a big issue to this day, and most people that know me know how bad I am at times when I zone out in the middle of conversations, tasks, and just about anything. However I am much happier not being on medication anymore and just working through it.

I’ve seen and known people with severe ADD/ADHD issues that honestly needed assistance from medications, and honestly JEG you are not even close to requiring medication that strong not even in the slightest. Hell even more violent/severe autistic children don’t need anything close to that dosage of Adderall.

The way you talk about medications sometime is worrisome. I think you need to take a step back, and find a new doctor.