🤣 So my girlfriend has Adult ADD

and im researching it for her… ran across this. #10 made me shoot pepsi out my nose.

  1. Do you diagnose ADHD? Do you accept my insurance?
  2. How long have you been diagnosing this disorder in adults?
  3. How many ADHD adults have you diagnosed in the past five years. What percent of your practice has a primary diagnosis of ADHD?
  4. How familiar are you with the day to day tribulations of having ADHD? (You’re trying to learn if they or some one they are close to has this condition. How intimate is their understanding of ADHD on a daily basis?)
  5. What is your treatment philosophy? (Will the clinician work with you and be open to suggestions or will he/she call all the shots. Is their treatment of ADHD the same for everyone or is it individually tailored?)
  6. In a subtle way, learn what they do to keep current in their knowledge about adult ADHD and its treatment protocols.
  7. How do you make a diagnosis? How many visits will it take and how much will it cost?
  8. How long will I have to wait for an appointment?
  9. Ask psychologists how they handle the medication part of treatment as psychologists do not have prescriptive authority. Ask physicians (and other medical personnel with prescriptive authority) what medicines they use to treat ADHD.
  10. Keep track of who you called and how they answered these questions.

Thats great. Oh and i’ve been diagnosed with adhd since I was 12. :beer:


ADHD doesn’t exist.

All a part of big pharma’s plan to find a way to medicate everyone.

x2 - it’s a scam just like the flu shots. It’s all a way for the companies to make more money.

flu shots DO make sense, but only for the elderly and people with immune deficiencies.

i hear that… people that can’t focus arne’t trying hard enoguh

they are a year behind and the makers take a guess to try and get the current string of flu - I call bs on them

hahahaah - I agree

you’re all talking out of your ass. ADD does exist.

  • a ka jillion

im sure there are a shitload of people that are misdiagnosed, but there are people out there that need to be on medication.

you would think as a libertarian you would demand personal responsibility and not buy into such shit.

you take a pill because you have herpes, or because you have an infection, or bad allergies…

if you can’t pay attention, discipline yourself.

(i didn’t mean that to sound so S&M)


I dont think people should have to suffer through life with a mental deficiency when theres a readily available and very effective drug that can alleviate the symptoms.

its not about discipline. Psychologists > you

i don’t see how it’s a deficiency. should we give people who are overly jealous a daily dose of valium? or people who get in fights once in a while a daily dose of thorazine? Any drug introduced to your system has the ability to alter your personality. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want everyone I interact with on a daily basis to be on one pill or another. Some people are hyper. Others get depressed easily. But unless someone is stark raving psychotic, I think we do them and society a disservice by altering their personality, and stripping them of their humanity by regulating who they are with daily doses.

psychologists can’t prescribe medicine.

maybe you mean psychiatrists?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

meh, you are full of common misconceptions. ADD drugs are amphetamines. They arent really personality altering like an anti-depressant or something like that. They just help you concentrate. My girlfriend has it so bad that its really starting to manifest itself into a pretty serious social anxiety disorder. I know that I have a mild case of ADD, but Im not gonna seek medication for it. She has it bad to the point that its negatively impacting her life, so Im gonna try and get her treated for it.

ignorance isnt usually your strongpoint. You obviously dont have a bad case of ADD, so how can you critique someone that does have it for trying to seek treatment and therefore vastly improve their life?

psychologists, psychiatriasts, anyone with any sort of real medical training in the field of mental health > you

why would these people be medicating people if they didnt need it. They dont work for the drug companies. :dunno: