ADD. Serious discussion.

Now that I’ve said this is a serious thread it will no doubt go down in shambles, however I have some questions and I’m not sure why I’m posting this here, but I might as well.

I’ll start back in the day. Apparently when I was young, 5ish, my physician suggested to my mother that I might have ADD. She brushed it off, I was never put on meds or anything, and away I went. My whole life I’ve thought ADD was bullshit, just people relying on meds for laziness/lack of motivation/etc.

As I was sitting in class last night, taking notes, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I could not absorb anything this dude was saying. I was processing it, writing it down, and figuring to myself I’d go over my notes and it might make better sense. I ask questions when I’m confused, and for the most part with a good explanation I can make sense of it, but I feel like I just can not retain information well. If you asked me to explain what I learned last night I just couldn’t.

No, I wasn’t high, I know my reputation on here and I haven’t been smoking hardly at all lately. By choice.

So I took one of those BS ADD quizzes online, scored 55, which is ‘moderate’, but wtf good is that? I don’t buy into ADD, but think there might be something wrong? But at the same time I can’t help but think I’m just fucking straight up LAZY so my mind bounces between what answers on that test I would give depending on which direction I’m going with at that point in time. If that makes sense. Essentially I’m answering questions either from the perspective that I just think that way because I’m lazy, or that I think I might have ADD. Therefore I consider the quiz utterly useless.

I have no problem focusing on tasks that I like to do. Working on my car, playing video games, etc. I have no issue saying ‘fuck yeah’ to doing something fun like that, but the second I’m given a task, or know I have to do something important, all I can think about is what I’d rather be doing, which makes me think I just lack discipline and am just a lazy piece of shit.

What I ask of you, Shift, is am I just a lazy piece of shit? Could there be something more to it? How do you go about finding out for sure? Do I just walk into my physician’s office and be like “yo negra I don’t like doing work at work or school but I like playing video games, give me some drugs that will make me wanna do werk”?

So Shift518, do your worst, and try to make sense of that nonsensical explanation/question, serious replies are appreciated, asshole replies will get edited at my will because I’m cool like that.

benny i know alot of people that have that issue. I find it easier to stay focused on something if I got basicly a carrot or a lil motivation to go with after the fact. Like lets say u get 90% on a quiz …you buy part for car, game, lapdance. Whatever floats you as a small motivation. That way the means gives you a slight result and before you know it your habits change in learning.

hey bennie quit being a pussy ass bitch and just deal with it

bennyfizzle/ninetytwo1forty comment

That’s exactly what I do when I have a task, but it still doesn’t help that I genuinely feel scattered when doing the task.

for example, I do a bunch of reports for work every month, I have roughly 300 or so to do, each takes me between 45 seconds to a few minutes, so it’s not a ton of work, but every time I’m doing it I’ll do maybe 3 or 4, and then dick around on the internet for 10 minutes, then do some more, etc.

I don’t have a problem completing the tasks, but I’m never truly FOCUSED on the tasks I have to do. I’m always thinking about what I’m going to do AFTER I’m done with the BS.

See a doctor, not shift

That was part of my question. do i go to my GP? or do i need a shrink or something?



I have ADD / moderate OCD. It’s a gift and a curse. I don’t take anything, I just feel like I’m productive. lulz

A (good) GP will give you all the right numbers.

My GP is tender and loving when he caresses my nether region, I can only assume he would give only the best advice.

That’s how you know you have a keeper :thumbup

My doc tried to get me to take Xanax. Shit made me all dopey. Did not like.

ok this just got a lil awkward:eek3:gay:hug

I would certainly see a doctor. I went to mine as I would have trouble concentrating and was prescribed atterall and that seems to do the trick as I have no trouble focusing now.

I used to be on a bunch of shit, xanax, zoloft, ritalin… pot calms me down better, and with out feeling “disconnected” all fucking day.

Pot does not help me do work. It helps me laugh at shit and makes video games more fun.

Where did I say do work? lol Im really good at vidyagames


Seriously tho, I was on that shit, I would have anxiety attacks and just have no idea what to do with myself. It was bad. The meds def help, but after a time, I was on pain meds also, as this was right around when I had surgery… but I just could not shake the feeling. Groggy disconnected, like stupid hungover and burnt at the same time, but after a while its really not fun. Idk, its worth looking into it, its just not for everyone, but may work for you. That will be one of the first things the docs will say also.