ADD. Serious discussion.

Make your g/f “reward” you by doing well in class. I find I do better when someone I know/appreciate expects me to and actually cares for how well I do something.

i’d look into it. i know when i finally took meds for my add i was able to focus a lot more and got more work done. the only thing that sucks is some of the side effects(loss of apatite which i guess could be a good thing, i’d be very anti social, and i’d always have to chew gum cuz my mouth would dry out).

What did you take cause I get the dry mouth but not that anti-social part or loss of appetite.


Sean, do you just take it on an ‘as needed’ basis, or daily?

Just on an as needed basis. Any day I have class I take it in the morning no later then 8:30 and never have a problem with not being hungry

Thats what I have in a 20mg dose

Do you ever feel fucked up in any way (emotional, extended hangover, etc) if you happen to drink alcohol on the same day?

i cant remember what i was taking. i’m a very quiet person as it is tho so that could be part of it too

No never noticed any thing like that. I have only drank maybe 2 or 3 times when I have taken it and I am actually going out to have some beers tonight so I will post back tomorrow and let you know the actual results. I havent been emotional from it although the traffic today seemed to piss me off more then normal but that could have been due to the fact I was heading to my hellish job

Cool, let me know. I’ve taken a low dose of Adderall on occasion (20MG), drank, and felt like an emotional wreck the next day. Be careful as it’ll make you feel less drunk than usual as you drink, but your BAC will still be the same.

Any sort of “ADD stimulant” + alcohol = BAD idea. It’ll get you wayyyyyyy more fucked up than X amount of alcohol normally would and you’ll be DUMB hungover. Same concept applies for the bumpin headache/hangover that 4 Loko gives you (lots of stimulants).

Benny, some serious advice from someone with experience.

For me, your in what I call a rut. No motivation to do anything productive, cant focus, etc etc. It can be really hard to get out of. I would know.

My advice to you, only because it is what works for me. Is to set a goal and a start date. Make your goal something easy to attain, nothing crazy. Then tell yourself that starting lets say Monday for example, you are going to do this this and this to get to that goal. Start doing it. Once you get into it, its like an addiction. You will feel like shit for doing anything that gets in the way of your goal. I use this mentality for the gym specifically. It is hard to get motivated sometimes. But what I just said works for me. You will find that the reward of reaching that goal far outweighs the feeling of winning a battle on Black Ops.

well benny you definitely dont have ADD since you were able to make a post that big and stay completely serious

so thats it! have fun with your life

  • 1 for me, i have this exact problem… for me doing technical shit like programming or other small tasks… I do the same shit as you… i’ll do a few and then completely dick off like just take a huge break or surf shift/gom for a while just long enough to blow off the work all together…

what does this do to me? costs me thousands of dollars… per month

let me know what you find out benny because if I find out my laziness isnt laziness and its actually ADD or some shit ill be pissed and on meds straight away, i’de pay millions to get rid of my laziness

the rest of you can laugh all you want, I dont feel too ashamed because i rather take my laziness problem with all of my pluses any day versus the other way around… not lazy but just plain average and dumb


In college I was diagnosed with ADD which honestly really suprised me. I thought it was a lot worse of a thing then the basic feelings that you have. I thought I too was just lazy and would rather do fun things because I couls sit down in front of a tv and play video games for hours but I just wanted nothing to do with home work.

The doctors put me on aderol and I became a working machine. I could hammer out an entire weeks worth of homework and shit in a sunday but I really didn’t like the way i felt on aderol. Best explanation is I felt grey, no highs no lows just like robot feelings so I stopped taking it and went back to my normal ways and that pretty much why I never graduated college. Cause I hated doing home work and even more hated sitting through a 3 hour lecture. I would get so incredibly bored.

Even today I have noticed that I do the same as you at work alot but once I get into working or get some caffine I can chug through things and get them donereal quick. I also notice because I am constantly doing something if i get a time where I have no car work to do or nothing to look up and buy hobby wise I go crazy.

Well, just because you have symptoms of ADD doesn’t necessarily mean you have the condition. I was diagnosed with it and given Focalin and eventually Adderall IR to help. Both of these drugs did nothing but make me speedy high all day long, so right away I could tell that my brain has all the stimulation that it needs. Turns out my anxiety was contributing toward ADD-like symptoms. I was put back on Lexapro (a newer SSRI) and finally am beginning to feel normal again after almost 8 months of trying different bull SHIT drugs that I didn’t need and then going through their withdrawls.

If you take something and feel high from it, chances are that you don’t need the medication. The goal is to feel ‘normal’ and not the effects of the drug.

I think everybody has some symptom(s)/form of ADD.

I can read something then 10 seconds later forget what I just read or what the last word was and have to turn back and read it again. I can read alot of stuff but not soak in any of it either sometimes.

whoa this is me Xbillion

i’ve never tried any drugs, maybe i should :lol

i had horrible grades through highschool because i didnt even do 1% of the homework and only skimmed by the years getting A’s on exams thru last minute studying or cheating

yup that was me to. I learned a totally different way than the other dumbasses that schools are filled with. Alot of the time I felt I already kinda knew what i was being taught. Never did any homework except for papers and took test. Always got 90,s and 100s, A’s and B’s on them and passed my classes as long as homework wasnt graded.

this is hard for me to say, i know you’re good people and all and i appreciate you greatly

maybe you should just sit back, turn on some iron maiden

and kill yourself, they say it’s selfish but sometimes you just gotta take care of your own best interests. ill support you and clean up the mess. hope everything works out.