Anybody here have ADD?


i have it, my g.f hates it. i find it funny. fuck meds. i love how she talks to me and i carry on the conversation and dont even remeber it happening when its done. its great cuz when i dont want to pay atention i just blame it on that.


Actually I am not looking for any shoulders to cry on. I was wondering if anybody else has it and what they do for it and that kind of thing. This is not an “oh look at me, I have ADD, give me your pity” thread. It was just an honest question that I should have known would have had ass hole responses because this forum is made up of jackasses who can not have any sort of conversation regarding a particular problem that people have to deal with other than either making fun of it or calling bullshit. This was meant to be an advice type thread, like “I found that XXX helps me in this situation, it may help you also” kind of thing…but again…I should have known better than to think any of you could be mature enough to discuss such a topic without pointing fingers and being ass holes.
Fuzzy, the reason I am on a high dosage is for school. If I do not take it in the morning, I am like a zombie all day. I don’t just daydream, I am damn near incoherent. You can be talking to me, tell me the simplest thing, and 10 seconds later I just have a blank stare on my face with no idea what is going on. Since I started on the Adderall, I have massively improved. I only take the high dose on days I have school, when being able to pay close attention is needed. I could honestly care less if some people on a car forum think it is all bullshit. Again…I wanted this to be an advice type thread. If someone has a problem with their car, they post and see what people say who have had similar experiences and see what they did and what the outcomes were. I did not honestly think that this would be such an issue with you guys





beer bottle


no i dont think i have add.


man im hungry. i think i have some chips in the cupboard. omg look at that hat. i wonder how it would look. dry mouth. thirsty. man i need a cigarette. i should just start drinking right now. but i need to go to the store first and buy smoke.

beanbag chairs!


Wow Jeg. Just wow.

Lock this thread…cause its not going anywhere.

Yet you post it on a car forum. Not trying to rip on you or anything, but its a car forum. If you are looking for medical advice and how to deal with a medical condition, then look for a forum that actually deals with it and ask there.

Think about it, you’re not going to go to WebMd looking for info on how to tune a car, so why would you go to a car forum for medical related advice?


Yeahhhhhh, ball hair…we need a strike haaaaiiirrr.

Dude, many people here just dont give a shit. Dont waste your time.
They would rather belittle someone for some personal amusement rather then trying to help… or even being considerate enough to listen.
Another reason why I want to leave.

whats preventing you?

nothing… its in the works now

Is this like an 8 step program? or one day do you just plan on going cold turkey?

edit: please tell me you are making your OWN community AKA another forum, where the cool kids can hang out

please add yourself to the inconsiderate, ignorant, yaps ands makes little sense list. What THE FUCK is your MOTHERFUCKING problem exactly? Dont like the fact that somone doesnt want to be a part of you online asshole circle jerk bandwagon club? I got a one step program for you on how to shut the fuck up.

jesus christ jack, BREATHE


Josh… I don’t believe in ADD… I don’t make excuses for not paying attention, it is called not paying attention for a reason. My brother was on meds for all sorts of bullshit, when all he really needed was his ass beat along with an attitude adjustment.

If you honestly think you need meds to listen to someone, or to pay attention, you are a product of prescription pushing… Docs get checks for pushing meds on to people. I work in health care, I know a lot of shit the everyday chump doesn’t know exists.

Did you know 80% of doctors hate their jobs? The reasons they stay are

  1. Time already invested.
  2. The money.
  3. The money they get for pushing meds.

Get off all your drugs, and straighten out your life instead of relying on tranquilizers to get you through the day.

Leave NYSPEED or leave WNY? Attitudes don’t change when you go down south, and NYSPEED is very easy to avoid.

does that require a fist to my face? Man you seem violent, can’t I just inquire about your means from exiting this forum permanently?

Personally, Its not the matter of me not liking you being here. More like, curiosity.

Main Entry: cu·ri·os·i·ty
Pronunciation: "kyur-E-‘ä-s(&-)tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : desire to know: a : inquisitive interest in others’ concerns : NOSINESS b : interest leading to inquiry <intellectual curiosity>
2 archaic : undue nicety or fastidiousness
3 a : one that arouses interest especially for uncommon or exotic characteristics b : an unusual knickknack : CURIO c : a curious trait or aspect

Just incase you don’t have a 127 IQ like JEG does

You want to be stupid then expect the reaction you are getting.

Save the bullshit excuses for someone else