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I just went off of zoloft and have the same kind of symptoms (dizzy, heart palpatations, ect). Not sure what the difference is, but if you wanted I could give you some of the ones I still have. I know the meds are different but taking 1/2 a pill for a week or two would probably ease the withdrawl a little. They do the same thing… not sure whats different/the same between them

I had no idea you were on anti-asshole drugs…

BTW - Don’t waste your time with those fucking pills you panzy.

do yourself a favor, go to the library and get Kevin Trudeau’s book “Natural Healing”

Do you own this book? I looked at it at the bookstore but it seemed like a lot of fluff and no real answers. Maybe I didn’t look at it long enough. :shrug:

JEG, good luck finding more soma.

you are NOT supposed to just stop taking any sort of depression med. you need to be weaned off of it or else u get the symtoms ur talking about [basic withdrawl, ur body is ‘addicted’]… u’ll be fine in a few weeks if u dont take it anymore, but until then, ur gonna feel like shit unless u get that drug back through your system.

call your doctor for free samples, they always have them.

I don’t own the book, I have not read it, and I don’t necessarily believe everything in it.

But I don’t think medication is the answer to everything.

There are a bunch of people in this thread… most of which have taken either what he is on, or some other type of attitude adjuster… thats bullshit.

I am with you on this.

im gona sit in my room, wach porn and eat ramen noodles all day…if that doesnt make me feel better i dont kno what will lol. I am gona call my dr an try to get some samples. my dad is on meds for his diabetes that his insurance wont cover, hes been on em for 2 years by taking just the free samples lol.

My grandmother got that book and soon returned it because everything in it is already known. Well at least in our family it was. There was some interesting things about what the government puts in our foods… which explains why all the 12 year old girls running around look like 21 year old whores. :rofl:

after working at the hospital i’ve found you could go in and say u dont know ur ss# and say a fake address and a fake number and bday… and name… and they would never be able to bill you… (im not saying to do that ;)) but it would work if you went to many of the smaller hospitals in buffalo… :wink:

(i just threw away all my codeine/gave it away) sorry



yeah that might work…but im an EMT so ive been to all the hospitals around here with the fire co…so they all know me at em. lol…im boned.

if they know you, you should have no problem getting samples.

see if you can get ins through the fire co.

find a job w/ benefits.

The book has been revised BTW…

Like I said, I haven’t read it, but in all honesty, I don’t have to. I work in the health insurance world… and its all politics… and $$$$

A drug company’s only legal obligation is to make their share value go up. THAT IS IT!!

speaking of which, refer me a decent health co. for a 14yr old girl, my fiance finally got the guardianship papers for her lil sister.

if she/her guardians aren’t poor… I can’t help.
I recommend Independent Health.

no, not poor. they make ME poor.

alright. that’s what I’d recommended as well - once she found out she was too affluent for NYS Health Plus.

same here. fuck meds.

Same thing happened to me with Zoloft about a year ago now- but I was starting to take them again, not stopping.

CRAZY vertigo spells. I completely know what you’re going through.

I was having really bad vertigospells one day in class, so I walked out of school to the bar/restaurant next door to meet up with my boyrfriend. I walked in the door and all my friends were there, about 15 people, and I looked at them and couldn’t remember anyone’s name or my boyfriend’s phone number or anything, if my life depended on it. Not only that but my vision was also almost completely blacked out.

That was the worst day out of the whole two weeks i went through that crap. My roomates dad is a doctor so I called him up and he said to stop taking it immediately. So your case is a little different because it’s withdrawl but man, I feel your pain.

That stuff’s bad news anyways.