serious medication question (please no flaming)

I am renewing my health insurance and they are taking their sweet time, so I ran out of my medication. Its Effexor XR 75 mg (used for anxiety). Any who, I am going through a MASSIVE withdrawal from this and can’t afford to get my script right now (its $300 for the prescription). Does anybody know any ways to help ease the effects of the withdrawal? these are the major symptoms, of which I have all except diarrhea and vomiting:

agitation, anorexia, anxiety, confusion, coordination impaired, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, dysphoric mood, fasciculation, fatigue, hallucinations (visual and audio) , headaches, hypomania, insomnia, nausea, nervousness, nightmares, sensory disturbances (including shock-like electrical sensations), somnolence, sweating, tremor, vertigo, and vomiting

please no flaming. I know I will get a lot of negative feedback, but I was wondering if anybody has ever gone through this kind of shit and what helped out if anything. I have vertigo so badly I can barely walk without bracing myself on something.

Call your doc. They might have some samples in office that they can give out for free.

+1 for asking your doc about some free sample packs

Uggh. That sucks. Do you always have to live up to your title? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know of anything that will help other than maybe some aspirin/ibuprofen and a cup of coffee and time.

:fry: Good call on calling your doc. Definitely do that.

what insurance company ??

If IHA pm me …

Free sample packs or you sometimes can back date your insurance policy. I went to the doctor in May but didn’t have any insurance coverage from my employer yet and my parents ran out at the end of april. I got the full bill but filed it with my insurance showing proof of coverage from may 1st and got the updated bill.

I am assuming you can do something similar with this.

yes it can be back dated up to 60days for most issues sometimes up to a year

call the drug company and explain the scenario… they sometimes help their good little addicts out in these cases.


You are not going through withdrawal’s. Odds are that you are having an anxiety attack about your anxiety. Your nest bet is going to be changing your focus. Take deep breaths and hold them for 3-5 seconds and exhale slowly. Walk around SLOWLY while taking deep breaths. Go outside and get some fresh air. Stop thinking about your pills. Seeing as a panic attack often fuels itself by unintentionally focusing on the cause of the panic, it would be beneficial to divert your attention by focusing on something else…go watch some porn or something. Call your doctor…seriously; stop posting on here for medical advice…

What is this statement based on?

Nurrssseeeee Niccckkkkk /gaylisp

fuck does anyone know this kids real name … so i can look it up to see if i can help him

Personal experience and mind over matter. Read into anxiety cause and effect.

perhaps I should have said “Odds are”

I will stab you.

isn’t that against HIPAA?

you know nothing about hippa do you

basic eligibility …the yes you have coverage to no you dont have anything … is public knowledge if I know your name I could call your INS company and get the “yes” or “no”

as far as me making a few calls to help … still is not going against hippa …I am not getting into his claims or PHI …

anyone with a login …could also get the same I am getting

ok jeg … from what info i have you any not with my INS company … if you would like pm me and let me know what is going on and Im sure I can point you in the right direction …

as far as the RX … if you call the doc he may get you a few free… but you may have to pay for the office visit … then just get the money back when your INS is back in order …

if you call the RX company they will try to help you, down fall it will take weeks sometime months to get any word on what they will do unless you are on your death bed…

I know a lot about hippa, mostly in the realm of data/systems though.

the hippa law is so “gray” its not even funny… Im sure you know … its a scapegoat for most people to pull the hippa card with out knowing the law