serious medication question (please no flaming)

Effexor (read not XR) is generic. It’s the same thing as Effexor XR without the delivery system. If your doctor doesn’t have samples, just ask for a prescription for generic venlafaxine.

Eh. I know about anxiety and anxiety meds. Discontinuation syndrome is real.

lol … fry he may not know your “background”

ive got some of those pills you can have for free just come and pick em up. they may look a little diffrent though, bc theyre generic

or they may be my gf’s non-active birth control pills for the week she has her period, and i want to see if this truly is just a placebo effect

:word: I learned a lot during those two years I spent in rehab.

EDIT: Don’t get me wrong though: Mind over matter can go a looong way towards making it through discontinuing an anxiety med.

Why don’t you just buy enough to get through a day, wait till your insurance kicks in and then I would assume get your money back. They did this for me when I was waiting on my confirmation. I bought one at 12 dollars and they gave me two dollars back when I filled the whole script. It wasn’t whatever your talking about though.

If you’re on unemployment, why don’t you apply for Medicaid to bridge the gap until your other coverage kicks in?
The stimulus plan has a provision that created a temporary new entitlement allowing all workers getting unemployment checks to qualify for Medicaid.

LOL Justa4door you do not know mine, ok pumpkin?

Listen sweet tits, mine’s bigger. :eyebrow: :stuck_out_tongue:

Something tells me we’re all on the same page, but the interweb tends to polarize arguments.

So yeah, if you actually want results:

#1 - Call your doctor and/or pharmacist for a few pills to hold you over.
#2 - Follow ShiftDead’s advice about taking your mind off it.
#3 - Work with justa4door. This is the People’s Republic of New York. There are programs that will bridge your gap in insurance so you don’t have to put yourself through this.


#4 - Make sure to vote against said social programs because they are a drain on society and only lazy, stupid people use them. The ones who are just motivated and smart enough to actually get them when they qualify, anyway.

Go to your local high school? :gotme:
According to the news you can get just about anything there.



You do realize that Effexor has the worst withdrawl symptoms of any anti-depressant/anxiety medication, and it is worse than withdrawl from heroin, amphetamine, meth, anything. It works by acting on the seratonin levels in the brain and when you run out it completely throws your brain chemicals out of whack. it is not very pleasant. Ive had plenty of anxiety attacks before. they’ve never made me hallucinate, or given me such extreme vertigo that I cant stand up. it is not habbit forming, but you still go through wicked withdrawls from it.

I got a 14 day script filled today thank god. But it cost me almost $100. So much for payin my car insurance this week lol.


You have received the advice you need. It’s up to you to act on it. /thread