So I just got back from the MACC center....

I guess it is the Metro Ambulatory Catholic Charities center or some bullshit like that. Just an emergency care place more of less. My gf is crying her eyes out about having a massive headache and she feels like she is going to die, etc. I’ve been with her for over 3 years now so I think I can judge when it is something drastic. So she tells me to take her here after I say that she needs to be looked at. Her insurance expires on her birthday which happens to be…today. We get there at 11:00 pm. They do the usual vitals, then she comes back. Gets called again for the insurance thing, lady processes it, she gets called into see the doctor. I’m watching the rest of the Eagles - Giants game, eating the food that I was supposed to have at home, but fortunately for me the place is right next door. She comes back with tears in her eyes but enraged, now im like wtf? She is like “just get in the car”. So here I think I gave her crabs or something and im like whats wrong? She says that they told her her insurance expired. I question that because it was before midnight that her shit was processed. Strike 1 for those fuckers. Strike 2 is when she tells me how the guy walks in without her info on the clipboard and stands there with his arms folded and said “You came in for a headache?”. Then he asks her if she is allergic to anything. I am no doctor but typically it is on the information given that is normally on THE FUCKING CLIPBOARD GENIUS! ORRRRRRRR it is on that stupid plastic wristband that people wear around for a week after their issue. So the guy was a real fuck face and perscribed her for Nasonex and 800 Motrin AFTER she already told him that I was giving her my 800 Motrin that I take for my back.

So she tells me all of this after im flying around like a douche trying to get her to fill her perscriptions. He didn’t prescribe anything generic, strike 3. Her perscriptions came to almost 300 bucks and the 45 minute visit was another 400 bucks. So now im sitting home stewing because the stupid mother fucking foreigner with the name that NO ONE would ever know how to pronounce, thinks he is God almighty and tell her she has just a sinus headache. So now do I threaten to slap a law suit for malpractice or something like that if her prognosis was wrong because of his ignorance? I really just want to go and whoop some dabi’s ass across his piece of shit Saab. Like literally tie his tie to the antennae and let the headlight wipers bitch slap him continuously

Any ideas?

maybe your GF really is just a pussy?

her whining just cost you 700 bucks.

i’d trade her in on a new model w/ less problems.


maybe your GF really is just a pussy?

her whining just cost you 700 bucks.

i’d trade her in on a new model w/ less problems.



I thought that at first too, but then I thought back to when she broke her hand and she wasn’t like this. And she usually has headaches but she will take one of my 800’s and be fine in like 45 minutes. I’ve never really seen her cry for pain, that is why I was starting to wonder if something was really wrong. I still think it is messed up for the “doctor” to be a complete fucking asshole though.

perhaps, she may have just been pissed off about having her insurance expire and exaggerated the story a bit…

Again, while you/she assume something is wrong, he IS the doctor, you aren’t. You can’t really make any call.

call ins company, explain situation, submit bills to them. if she was still actually insured they can deal with telling the macc center to get bent

if ins wont do anything, take them to small claims court. a punk ass question like “you came in for a headache” is like taking your car to a mechanic for repairs, and having him charge $400 just to whack something with a hammer till a noise went away

and $400 is extra bullshit because it cost $650 for me to go to st joes / a specialist to have a piece of steel removed from MY EYE.

$400 is wallet rape just for someone to go “oh, take these for your headache, im not going to bother to do anything im trained to do”

and if she needs more medical attention, and it turns out that the next doctor just has to do PROPER tests / exams to figure out the problem, fucking sue

Ugh, this is just infuriating me trying to make sense of everything. I hope im not a sucker for believing her though she has never lied to me before. It is just the fact that she was in pain, and ofcourse the shit rolls down on me whether it is her attitude or the run around that I was doing. How would you guys of handled it?

BTW nice Subie newman :tup: my dream car.


$400 is wallet rape just for someone to go “oh, take these for your headache, im not going to bother to do anything im trained to do”

and if she needs more medical attention, and it turns out that the next doctor just has to do PROPER tests / exams to figure out the problem, fucking sue


Damn! What did you do to get metal in your eye? Sounds pretty painful.

Now, you kinda see where I am coming from more. She works as a pharm. tech so she isn’t the dumbest person in the world with this stuff. She knows what is typically perscribed and she was expecting something maybe along the lines of a migraine medicine. She was taking excedrin too and that wasn’t working. When I was in the Air Force and had really bad photosensitivity from the flourescent bulbs being a foot away from my face everyday they gave me naproxen I think it was called? I dont know, they gave me 4 diff meds for my migraines. She gets 800’s after she told him that she has been taking it already. Aren’t there some tests or SOMETHING? That is exactly what I was thinking, but to be a cocky piece of shit and try to talk down to someone. She told her mom the same as me, that is why im finding it hard to think she is fibbing. And they told her about the insurance thing as she signed the “out patient” log, which I find ironic. Wouldn’t you normally take care of that first before admitting someone knowing that they might not be able to afford it?

thought it was mercy ambulatory care center? the one on southwestern? that’s what that place is called anyway.


though she has never lied to me before.


hahahaha sucker.

but yeah, sounds like her $700 bill, not yours. :wink:


maybe your GF really is just a pussy?

her whining just cost you 700 bucks.

i’d trade her in on a new model w/ less problems.


Seriously… basically what i was going to say.

If you auctually ‘liked’ her, this thread wouldnt be here…

But anyways… shitty…

Sounds like she has a sinus headache or a migraine and you guys just got pwned.

And there’s no generic for nasonex I don’t believe. And why did her insurance expire? Did she turn 19 today and is not going to school full time or something? We have the same birthday. Tell her I’ll give her my meds. I have both nasonex and motrin. You don’t NEED to get those filled.

Oh yeah, it would have been so much cheaper to go to Tops/Martins/Wegman’s and buy some Exedrin (sp) Migraine.


thought it was mercy ambulatory care center? the one on southwestern? that’s what that place is called anyway.


Yeah, that is it :slight_smile:


hahahaha sucker.

but yeah, sounds like her $700 bill, not yours. :wink:


I know that sounded really typical and you probably think im a sucker for believing that but I keep her in check and do what I want. I bust her balls when she goes out because she just really knows my friends and they all hit on her she doesn’t do anything else other than that. Yeah, it is her bill but I still feel bad for her. We are both kinda poor. I was doing the roofing and construction thing but my back is fucking spent. Ive been moving shit for people as a side job to make extra money and it has been all old refridgerators, entertainment centers with everything on them and it COULDNT be disassembled so there is where my pain comes in. I really wish I had a nice desk job where I could be a computer all day OR be a mechanic and learn more about what I dont know but no one seems interested in someone who busts their ass. All I can pray for is this Corrections thing to work.


Oh yeah, it would have been so much cheaper to go to Tops/Martins/Wegman’s and buy some Exedrin (sp) Migraine.


She was taking that Exedrin Max Strength and it wasn’t doing anything.

What the heck is going on in this thread?


Seriously… basically what i was going to say.

If you auctually ‘liked’ her, this thread wouldnt be here…

But anyways… shitty…


It isn’t even about the money. Just kinda asking what others would do in my situation. I guess im just a witness to someone in extreme pain and they are getting fucking shafted and robbed of money pretty much. I dont have a glitzy car or a good job that can afford things except my apartment, my gas and maybe some food this kinda fucks things up for us for quite a while.


Damn! What did you do to get metal in your eye? Sounds pretty painful.


steel work

and that one wasnt painfull, the next time after that was, lol

ok did not read whole post but… what ins does she have… where is it threw her mom/ dad

let me know

lets go to pms w/ it… if you still need help


What the heck is going on in this thread?


I don’t know, but it sucks. I hate reading oodles of sentences just to see the person make some stupid racial comments at the end- skewing my perception of the poster. Commonly I’m no longer interested in displaying sympathy, but instead glad when they get :rubicant:.

So, uh, did her headache go away?

Aside from the doctor being a prick did anything actually go wrong?