F*c|< the emergency room....Go to walmart.

I am a republican and everyday become more ashamed that my party selected this guy and this speech is just another reason I am voting democrat.


I had to watch it 3 times to get what he says but dear god…

CVS is going to do that.

I don’t see whats wrong with it. ITs not like they are sending accident victims to walmart…

He’s talking about like an after hours doctor thing, walk in with your insurance card, bing bang out. Stitches, and simple things could be accomplished there.

the 15 times that I’ve been in the ER, I had to wait forever… There was one time that I actually went in instantly and they thought i was having a heart attack. (high blood pressure lol)

I agree with mccain

LMFAO. This mother fucker is shot hahaha.

Universal health care anyone? Gime gime gime!!

Ok. I used walmart pharmacy for awhile for a few prescriptions. After a year of dealing with their serious lack of brain cells and knowledge of any kind of medicine, I got the hell away from them. I got the same allergy pill refilled every month, and every month they managed to lose an order, fill the wrong dosage, misprint the label, etc etc. A phoned-in refill would still take 2 hours in the store to get.
I would put my own stitches in rather than trust any form of clinic housed in a walmart, Or just bleed out.

I have used the walmart pharmacy before. Its great for simple meds but if I was on multiple pills, I sure as hell would not choose walmart to get advice of which ones to not mix together and advice.

:word: I think he has a damned good idea.


This is what Immediate Care is for, not fucking WALMART…

VERY bad idea, more Immediate Care locations? Sure!

Yup, and more After Hours Care locations as well…

McCain is an IDIOT

Do those immediate care places take insurance, or is it just cash only?

yeah but wal-mart is your god, so that’s not saying much

we need more walk in care centers to be sure but with EMS backing if there needs to be emergency transport if the problem becomes acute. walmart is a fucking retarded idea


At least the after-hours care does… I’ve been there a couple times; although you can wait an hour there… better than 3-6 at the ER though…

I’ve had bad experiences with doctors outside of the emergency room.

I went to that place in the dent towers after I got hit in the foot with a slapshot and couldn’t walk.

asshole didn’t even see the break in the x-rays.

foot turned out to be broken

Thats why I say we need Universal health care. WE are already paying for it in the form of taxes for Medicaid ,Medicare or whatever, and on top of that we pay for our own health insurance through work or independent plans. Hell in the long run Universal health care might even be cheaper for us. Not to mention doctors wont be so quick to discharge patients like they are now. Lets face it. Most doctor’s offices are run like assembly lines. Drop a pill here and move onto the next.

Oh shit, x-rays are half-off on tuesdays!

I’m pretty sure he wasn’t just saying walmart… I got the impression he wants something like that… just a bunch of locations so people can get to care when they need it. Whether its installed in walmart… or some plaza. ER times really do suck.

I don’t feel this is a critical issue though.

and they are buy one, get one on wednesdays.