How many here dont have health coverage ?

Just out of curiosity, how many here or people you know do not have health care / coverage / insurance ? Or how many will not have health coverage soon?

I will start off by saying I don’t have any. Im self employed but am not poor enough to get any coverage, and wont pay $300-400 a month for crappy ass coverage that has high deductibles anyways.

What I find humorus is that the govt. points a finger at administration costs. Im sure the pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors, medical equipment manufacturers, ambulence companys, insurance companys, etc. making enormus ammounts of profit have nothing to do with it.

BTW- have any advise for me, who to talk to, anything like that?

If you don’t have health insurance, you probably shouldn’t owe ANY type of luxury object, which includes: car,tv,nice clothes…etc

Your health>>>>>> anything else.

And trust me, others can vouch too, anyone who has been to the hospital for a serious injury would never go with out health insurance after they have seen their bill.

Im not saying its wise of me to not have it, but after paying that much per month for just me, plus the insane deductiables, its almost a wash if something were to happen. It would just hurt being all at once. Unless its a terminal disease with a long fight…then Id be screwed…

But personally, I know alot of people that dont have health coverage or only have it because they are in school and still covered under their parents.

Not to get into it… but everone you listed there gets shafted by the insurance companies who limit what they pay out; and decide that $$ is more important than peoples lives…

You’re treading a thin line without it…just saying…

I’ve seen some of my bills, and it’s just plain scary what a few days in a hospital can cost…

I totally agree that the insurance companys are at fault here too. They should be up on the list right next to them. I will not go as far to say that the other companys get shafted though. Its too many hands in the bucket.

yeah i hear ya. I remember the one day on jay leno he said his friend broke his arm, was in and out of the hospital in one day and it cost him like $36,000 or some crazy ammount. My gf went in over the winter to mercy just for a few hours and the bill was ridiclous money.

Why is this poll not public so we can make fun of people?

Yeah cause its hilarious.

No, modding a Saturn when you don’t have health coverage. THAT is hilarious.

Thats part of my business asshole. What the fuck do you want me to do, go be a fucking clone and work for some shitty company just so I can have health care. Fuck that.

BTW I dont even own a saturn anymore

Sick carbon hood brah.

wow amazing reply, I see your about as ignorant as they come

I see you’re as poor as they come.

health insurance > having to pay 4100 in emergency room bills…

Thanks health insurance for knocking that bill down to 200 bucks for me

Sick saturn BTW Keep up the good work

yeah, accidents are cheap.

and they can be avoided too, right? they just call them accidents because…



Funny, Dominace’s parents told him he was planned.


I managed to not have insurance for a month or so last year(which sucks because previously I have always had insurance and never used it)…and didn’t get cobra…I ended up in the emergency room with a kidney stone…that bill + getting the stone removed was about $7000…

I learned my lesson if I ever go between jobs I will get cobra…

To make him feel better because they couldnt afford the abortion.

lol ok thats why I own, not owe everything I have and am closing on a 130K house next month. Im not poor, maybe cheap ass?