FML v. Broken ankle

So this past Saturday I spent the day at a farm equipment auction, then finished out the daylight hours splitting and stacking firewood. I then flopped on the couch to watch a movie. A couple hours later I get up off the couch, take one step, and pop. There goes my right ankle. It felt like someone shoved a knife blade up through the bottom of my foot right into my ankle joint. I spent Sunday in agony and went to the Doc on Monday. He thinks it’s a stress fracture in my ankle. WTF is this shit? I’m always lifting/carrying tons of heavy shit and I’m on my feet all day, then I stress fracture my ankle getting up off the couch. Aargh! So now he has my keeping it wrapped up in an ace bandage and taking lots of ibuprofen as an anti inflammatory med. If it doesn’t improve by the weekend he wants me to go in for Xrays and then who knows what. The best part - I DON’T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE. Fuck. I can’t afford to take a day off either, so I’ve been just trying to deal with the pain the best I can, but it’s absolutely exhausting. FML.

That sucks man, sorry to hear that. When i broke my ankle in three places worst feeling ever

Why don’t you have health insurance?

The price of local maple syrup just went up. :frowning:

that sucks man… why don’t have have insurance?

^^^That didn’t take long. Here we go. ObamaCare FTW!!! lol

My employers don’t offer it and I can’t afford it on my own

Yeah fuck him. Healthcare is a luxury for the rich.

You need to get it taken care of. You work on your feet and need it to heal. You are doing more damage and may not be able to walk the same if you don’t get it taken care of.

Also, if you do deal with it for a certain amount of time and decide to go to get it worked on, you will most likely have to have more work done to repair the additional damage.

you can write a “letter of hardship” to your doctor and they usually will reduce your hospital bills. still wont be free but way less than the full bill.


Sounds like exactly the case ObamaCare is built to prevent.

But what boxxa said. Sucks but its either take the hit now, or take an even bigger one later.

Not to pick on southtowns cuz he seems cool but, he does have 8 vehicles listed in his sig so I know he has some money.:wink:
I want a snow cat believe me but I bought insurance instead.:smiley:

I bought all that stuff back when I had money and insurance. I actually need to update it as a lot of that stuff is gone now. The sno-cats are used for ag purposes, so I make money with them, they aren’t just toys. Yes I do have my '55 Willys and '49 Chevy…I could sell either or both and buy insurance…for a year or two. Then what?

Have you looked into state options? This program was basically built for people in your situation.
Might be too late to help you now, but at the very least going forward.

I am sorry but i am still laughing at this.

So this past Saturday I spent the day at a farm equipment auction

Sounds like the right thing to do. :tup:

I’m glad you think it’s funny. Did you eat today? Then thank a farmer.

Yeah, it’d buy insurance for a year or 2, but then what do I do? I’m left with less money and fewer assets and lowers my net worth.

do you honestly believe health care in this country is fine the way it is?

I’m not trying to push any kind of political agenda…but the owner of the company I work for could buy every employee a brand new BMW for the price he is paying for a decent family plan. there is something very wrong with that IMO.

I’ve probably asked you this before, but do you know the Emerlings (on Emerling Rd) or the Meyers (on Brown Hill)?