Health insurance rates going up?

I did a quick search and found nothing on here. My health insurance is going up by $104 a month. I’ll be paying $595 a month for a family plan through Independent Health w/ no deductible.
I thought this was rather high as I work for a federal agency or is this Obama care at it’s finest.

I’m just curious what everyone else is paying and what plans you guys are on. Maybe its not that bad c[FONT=Calibri]omparatively speaking :dunno: [/FONT]

For 2013 My Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michican is going up 40$ a month for single coverage. I’m not happy about it, but I’m also thankful I have affordable health insurance

Regardless of Obama care they have gone up every year for the past 7 years :lol:

I pay $300 for the family plan at my current job I think the family deductible is $1,500

You don’t see many plans now a days with 0 deductible.

The last place I work paid you health insurance 100% but you still have to cover a $500 deductible for single/$1500 for family.

at this point nobody should be able to get a zero-deductible plan, especially if my tax dollars are involved.

I’m on a high deductible through work and they match the first $450 of my HSA. The high deducible part costs me maybe $40 a month.

Paying aver $300 a month for BCBS family, really hoping this doesn’t go up

The increase can only partially be attributed to Obamacare (or rather, anticipation of Obamacare). As Justin said, rates have pretty consistently gone up year over year for some time now. Also, people can comment on their increases year over year but it’s tough to compare what an employee of one company pays as compared to an employee of another company since there is a wide range of subsidizing between companies.

I pay $165 every pay period (2 weeks) for Aetna coverage for my wife and I. Would be the same if i I had 7 kids, which is kind of lame, but still it’s not too bad.

My wifes health insurance for just her self previous to going on mine was more then I pay for the family plan.

^yup. And it was worse coverage

We can’t agree in to many threads it looks bad :-p

Thanks for the feedback. I know the rates are going to go up regardless but mine are going up $104 which I thought was a huge increase from last year. I understand the subsidizing part totally; my health insurance costs me an 1/8 of my salary now.

Jam hows your Aetna? I was looking at their plan.

Can you change plans and offset the cost a bit?

yes right now is open enrollment season and other plans have a $4000 deductible (gov’t pays $2000 on HSA, $166.xx a month). I had that plan and it’s $245 a month and doesn’t cover any of my son’s meds. That’s independent Health

There are a few other plans but they are CDHP’s and Fee for service plans. We have the option to get Aetna as well, which I’m currently looking at. The thing is our HR liaison is in MD so their plans are completely different there and cheaper I will add. The Buffalo office here is relativity small compared to other offices.

lol I pay $28/month for my coverage and it is NOT a high-deductible plan. Health insurance costs are always on the rise.

Jesus christ 4000$ deductible, that’s fucking rapage

$50/month here. no high deductible.

Have you ever priced family insurance? lol

The last place I worked payed insurance 100% for single people the current place im at would be in the $50 monthly range.

Once you jump up to a family plan shit gets crazy

^Yep went from $55 every 2 weeks to $157…Getting married is expensive.

My wife and I both work at the same place now and it is actually cheaper to have 2 seperate insurance plans through the same employer than to go on a family plan.

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Luckily I haven’t had to use it really, just normal dr’s visits.