Health Insurance?

Instead of going through work, where else can I get health insurance? They don’t make it very easy to find…

Any suggestions for good plans? :slight_smile:

Health insurance that isn’t through an employer is prohibitively expensive.


Health insurance that isn’t through an employer is prohibitively expensive.


My employer wants to charge me a fortune without any dental or vision… so, I want to look somewhere else for a simple plan.

How much is “prohibitively expensive?” I’d like to at least compare before just choosing my business insurance.

[quote=“Clean Baldy”"]

Instead of going through work, where else can I get health insurance? They don’t make it very easy to find…

Any suggestions for good plans? :slight_smile:


Have you tried Family Health PLus?


Have you tried Family Health PLus?


Yea, I make WAY too much money for that. For a single adult, I can make a max of roughly $10,000 a year. I think I made more than that working at Tim Hortons during college…

What provider does your employer use, and did your employer specify how much they were covering?

For my health insurance through work (Independent Health), it works out to about $65/month, and dental (Guardian) is about $15/month, and that is my pretax out of paycheck expense. Work pays more than half of the cost, so even if I were to receive the same reduced ‘per person’ rate from these providers, it would be costing me over $200 a month for health and dental.

I haven’t personally shopped for insurance outside of an employers plan, but most people whom I’ve talked to who didn’t get insurance through work (either for a lack of it being offered or any other reason) did not end up purchasing insurance on their own due to the cost.

my employer says its $220/month with no dental or vision. Community Blue.

So, that is why Im here… trying to find it elsewhere. If I have to pay $200, I’d rather do it on my own so that Im not relying on my work for the same damned pricing!

I guess then the question is what kind of rate discounts the big providers give to companies. I know we get some amount of break because of our wellness initiatives and on-site gym, but I’m not sure how much. Providers also give breaks to employers because its like a bulk discount.

I’d be willing to wager that the same program your employer is offering you for $220 (which is likely the rate they receive from community blue) would cost you roughly $3-400 to get on your own.

have you tried calling Ind Health or Blue cross. That might be a good start.

jeff, if you get health insurance through work, ask if its deducted from your pay before or after taxes. if its $220/mo and its deducted before tax, thats a big plus.

I wind up payin about 35 a week for univera PPO, And 12 a week for guardian life ins, its all pre tax deductions. But Its goin to really cost you more to find something on your own vs goin with them.


have you tried calling Ind Health or Blue cross. That might be a good start.


i havnt had great experiences with ind health recently.

dude i work a temp job for appleone, and they offer aetna health care.

For basic medical insurance is 84 bucks per month, and its decent coverage.

You can add hospital expenses (room fees, etc), for 15 bucks more a month.

If you get a quote online it would be 300 bucks a month for similar coverage elsewhere.

ok i work at independent health … going with a employer plan you save about 60% off the cost… a plan that you would have is about 1k a month the employer has more the 100 or so employees the cost goes to about 450 or so …employer pays about 50% you pay 225… if you go w/ a plan on you own (850 just one person 2400 fam ) or through a chamber of commerce witch will run you like 880 a month for fam…i hope that helps

if i can fix anything let me know or i can look into something … im a team lead in the member service dept


i havnt had great experiences with ind health recently.


[quote=“Clean Baldy,post:7,topic:28470"”]

my employer says its $220/month with no dental or vision. Community Blue.

So, that is why Im here… trying to find it elsewhere. If I have to pay $200, I’d rather do it on my own so that Im not relying on my work for the same damned pricing!


You have no idea what health insurance really costs or you’d be all over that 220 a month. Expect anywhere from 800-1000/month to get coverage anywhere near what you’ll get from your employer for 220/month.

my employer pays 80%, and i pay 20% for my
that costs me $54/week for family coverage on
community blue.

for me its great because i have 2 kids and the kiddies visits
shots etc… are “free”.

I don’t recall the percentage my employer covers, but its Blue Cross Blue Shield and I get it for $36 biweekly pre-tax deduction.

You aren’t going to find health insurance (worth having) cheaper than thru your employer though.

Find a new job.


dude i work a temp job for appleone, and they offer aetna health care.

For basic medical insurance is 84 bucks per month, and its decent coverage.

You can add hospital expenses (room fees, etc), for 15 bucks more a month.

If you get a quote online it would be 300 bucks a month for similar coverage elsewhere.


yo… how is working for appleone?