Nys health insurance information

So for the last many years my work has provided me and my family with great health insurance. I’m going to be switching jobs and the new one does not offer anything good. How does one go
about looking for a decent plan. I was on the state website and entered tons of info but I’m kinda lost. Can anyone steer me in the right direction or is that the only way to do it. Any information is greatly appreciated.

I don’t have direct experience in NYS but I have been buying my own insurance for years. If you are eligible for a subsidy by all means get it by going through the nys exchange to purchase your plan. There may be some hang ups depending on availability or how comprehensive the plans at your new job are.

if you are not eligible for a subsidy, avoid purchasing through the exchange if you can. Without the subsidy the exchange just introduced another layer of beuracracy you’ll have to navigate if anything goes wrong or changes.

I could be wrong but my understanding is the website wasn’t really to shop alternatives from your employers insurance policy? Since you would be eating the whole cost if you weren’t eligible for the subsidy.

We 100% are not eligible for subsidy. Without getting into it we gross close to 6 figures. The new job is small and does not offer anything decent, sub 50 employees. The exchange is easy to navigate but prices seem inflated. Maybe I should just call the 1-800 number and talk to someone. I’m I best to just look at companies by themselves like blue cross blue shield and such.

      • Updated - - -

new job is sub 50 employees. Plans arnt that great. I can pay out of pocket the cost of my ups plan for 16 months but I think it’s huge $$'s.

Wait till you see the prices of the Platinum level plans.

Uggg. That’s SO hit or miss. Sometimes you talk with someone that is so freaking clueless you wonder how they function on a molecular level and rarely you get someone that is equal to Forest Gump on the IQ scale. I DREADED calling that number when I was an Certified Application Counselor.

If you are referring to COBRA, you can stay on that for up to 18 months. I can make a blanket statement here and say COBRA is freaking expensive as hell having spent some years in the health insurance industry. As soon as people are eligible for group coverage they dump COBRA because of the cost. For something close-ish to what you had at UPS, a family plan I would wager close to $2k. Hell, a family high deductible plan is getting up there.

I recently used the NY site to purchase a health plan. It was pretty easy. I did have to call to sort out something with my application and ended up completing the application over the phone. The lady was pleasant and helpful.

Overall I was pleased with the experience. Ignoring the politics involved, the NY health exchange app & system worked well for me.

Check with the company. If you move off to your own, sometimes they give you credit. If you have kids, look at the state child health plus plan and then buy a individual for you/wife. Even if you make like $4k or more a month, your plan premium is like $60 bucks until the kid is 19 which usually beats the $200+ markup a company group plan charges.

@llink78 I’ll send you the contact info for the guy I use.

Thx josh. Getting all set up tomorrow and Monday!

How much are the individual adult plans premiums?

Feel like the the amout I pay for a family plan (2 adults, 2 kids) is extremely high. Last few years our rates have gone up 20% or more a year…I know all insurance is up but something has to give.

if your kids arnt. Enroll them in child health plus. The full premium for it is 167 a child and that’s zero co-pays. Then myself and the wife are doing individual bronze plans for the $250 wellness card each. Plan is $310 a month each. This insurance crap is expensive. Guess I didn’t know how good I had it at ups.

edit:if your income is less than like 5000 a month your child health plus premium is only $60 a child. Also 80,000 a year income you get a 67 a month discount on the adult plan. I have to pay full price for everything :frowning:

Currently paying ~150/week for Cigna coverage with co-insurance…but most regular visits are 30 co-pay. For the amount we pay in I would say coverage is less than desired. Our company employs 500k across the US so they aren’t offering the best which makes sense to keep overall costs down in this crazy healthcare mkt.

Is there a site you used to sign up for the child/adults plans?

Google nys child health plus. It gives you the app or number to call to meet with someone in person to fill out the application. That’s the step im at. Waiting to be contacted from Indepentent health to sigh my daughter up for it.

I know any child can use it but not sure of the prices.

Send me over that too I am currently Goin to be off my plan soon.