Yes and my wife was in a worse rate group for auto insurance double fail
Yes, like I said though the gov’t pays $2000 of it. I get pissed when people say I have great benefits when I tell them I work for the Gov’t. We have good benefits but health insurance is not one of them!
I know some of you on here work for Homeland Security (customs) and I’d like to know if you are paying the same rates for family.
Do you get a pension?
If the answer is yes then the $2000 health insurance deductible per year isn’t as bad
^ its called a TSP basically a 401k. They match up to 5%.
My wife may apply where I work, in which case the above statement would also be true.
595 a month? holy jeebus. does the s/o have any options for a better health plan?
i pay 48 bucks every 2 weeks for my health/dental/vision but its just me on the plans, and according to my mom i have really good coverage. had her look at them since i dont know what any of the crap means lol. i dont want to know what ill have to pay when i get married and have kids. bcbs / guardian here.
Most healthcare plans don’t have dental…You better take advantage of that now. Also vision is often limited or not covered as well.
That $595 doesnt include dental or vision. lol. I pay another $30/ month for dental.
$0’s a month for me (single coverage paid 100% by work). Wife has a +1 plan at her work to cover the kid that is $2xx/month, which is a better deal than switching to the family plan offered by my work. Both low deductible plans.
this is a serious wiener measuring thread.
comparing coverage is a good thing really… helps to know how good your deal really is.
Imagine if we could do this in a national marketplace and buy our insurance across state lines.
Now I’m just talking crazy talk though.
I have full coverage family plan, dental, vision, I pay nothing a month and no co pays, no prescription fees. I have BCBS from my work. Our work just switched to a high deductible plan and seems pretty good so far but its more paper work for us.
50/50 split, I pay $71 every 2 weeks, $1500 deductible but reimbursed $750. No dental.
Its nice for independent health to send a letter to inform me about rates increasing every year.
My wife works for the Buffalo Teachers federation so we don’t pay any premium. Yet another reason people hate the teachers union. So we’re really lucky. Insurance is crazy expensive but I can see why. I remember seeing the explanation of benefits after my son was born. It was like $20k for all the hospital stuff.
My boss pays my BCBS insurance 100%.
Serious question: does anyone every NOT take what their employer is offering? Would there be any reason to say “no thanks, im gonna go get insurance on my own”? I have no reason not to go with whatever my employer is offering.
You’re wacky.
Also imagine if they factored our habits, addictions and fitness (or lack thereof) into our premium. Why should someone that works out and eats right pay the same as an obese person who poses a greater risk to the pool of premiums?
Because fat people cost less overall. They die much faster than keeping a health person alive 20 years longer. Duh.
Patients drain exponentially more as they approach expiration and the longer the meds can keep them on the brink the greater the financial burden.
Do you have any stats on the “fat people cost less overall” comment? Just curious.
The only reason people need insurance is the underlying cost is out of touch. All this Obamacare bullshit isn’t addressing the root, that coverage is fucking outrageously priced.