need some help finding a song

the wifey is trying to find a song, all she knows is that the song goes like “imagine if we were older we wouldn’t have to wait so long” dunno if thats gonna help anyone but maybe it will click for someone… im stumped ive been trying to search and havent really found anything thus far. HELP ME! lol

Beach Boys, “Wouldn’t it be nice”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn’t have to wait so long
And wouldn’t it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong”

oh good God, another 15 yr old kid wishing he was old enough to sleep with his underage chick.


yea thats its smartass

thats it… thanks rock kittie

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The name of the song is “Kokomo”. Gay song.

lol. tup.

Wrong song freak face

how young do you have to be to NOT know this song?