Need tires mounted

STFU i cant wait for first snow fall, the g20 is a sweet snow drifter :tong


Pwease ;D

um SNOW. was never mention when doing said acts in dry payment

tandem drift in the sentra, just don’t hit me, I could give a shit about the sentra but you can eff yourself if i tag you. :rofl

I dont give a shit about my g20 dude… i beat the piss out of it, its gotten more dents in it from friends than anything

Omg Nissan FWD Tandem snow drift team…

benny, panties will drop for us (dont edit my post cocksucker)

When you need them mounted? I may be able to help you out

How about you help me out. Where the hell are my snow tires?

ill chase you guys in the 240 and laugh


hear this joe? the women put the foot down, she says WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY TIRES?!?!?!?

The only reason I ask is because I can’t find them in the garage. :lol

ASAP those bitches are showing cords, doesnt help that i ripped on them a little last night knowing id be getting new ones

dude your tires spin…and spin…and spin at like 8K… and i love it

sr20 tire smoking at 135hp ftw i guess

They were in the garage in the left bay. Probably buried by now. You mom and grandmother tried selling them in their stupid garage sale like 6 times. :nuts

Yeah dude, i can just bounce that car off the rev limit all day and it wont budge, the tires will just spin, onto the rims, and then the rimms will disintegrate

oh and since when did you get a tire machine in back of the gtp :umm


Shh. You’ll get your tires done the same way I will. :ninja :ssh




Not what I meant.


I have access to a number of mounting and balancing machines in the area. No worries. I balanced my tires last night :nana